Dear Friends,
We know that clean energy works for American families.
Creating good jobs here in America, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and protecting the planet for future generations -- clean energy can make it all happen. And right now it's up to our Senators to get clean energy working as they craft their version of the climate bill.
This week, the Senate is on recess in their home states, speaking with constituents and determining their legislative priorities for the coming months.
Clean energy is an obvious choice for America. But if our Senators don't act quickly when they return to Washington next month, we could miss out on our opportunity for rapid growth in the clean energy industry.
Will you encourage your Senators to seize this moment for a clean energy future by sending them a message today? Clean energy is an opportunity whose time has come. Our wind and solar resources are abundant, and new jobs from investments in clean energy sources could save our economy and strengthen our future.
The latest polling data shows that a large majority of Americans support action on clean energy.* But instead of taking immediate action to capitalize on the promise of clean energy, Washington just argues and argues and argues.
Meanwhile, heavily funded lobbying groups use despicable tactics -- including forging letters from minority organizations** -- to drown out the true voices of those that support a clean energy future.
Our Senators represent all Americans, not just big special interests trying to protect their bottom line. And allowing the Senate to do things the same old way won't bring us the future we need.
It's our responsibility to make sure our voices are heard -- to insure that America doesn't fall behind on clean energy and that our Senators get clean energy working for us.
Ask your Senators to act quickly to support America's clean energy future.Thanks,
Dave Boundy
Senior Campaign Advisor
* 71% of Americans support the American Clean Energy and Security Act passed by the House, and more than 50% of Americans believe a new American energy policy will create jobs: ** A pro-coal lobbying firm has acknowledged forging letters from minority organizations to pressure Members of Congress and discourage their support for clean energy and climate legislation.