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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Demand Health Care!



This is a critical moment for young voices to be heard in the health care debate. Will you contribute $25 to fuel our effort?

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Last week we announced our entrance into the health care reform debate and asked for your help. We need it now more than ever.

We are at a critical moment where we'll either get the reform that we desperately need or the opposition will win and we will be stuck with the same old system that is bleeding us dry (no pun intended).

You might be asking, 'why is Rock the Vote getting into the health care debate?' I'll tell you why. For nearly 20 years we have been fighting to build political power for young people by bringing them into the system through voter registration and elections. But voting is just the beginning. We need to aggregate young voices and give them the tools they need to affect change on issues they care about.

We need to raise at least $10,000 to keep young people in the game. We are nearly halfway there because of people like you. Will you support us with a contribution of $25 today?

We are out on the streets organizing our members, creating television and online ads to talk with young people about this fight, and working with our coalition members to make sure that the health care plan works for America's youth.

We care about health care because it's the lynchpin to systematic change in this country. The younger generation is saddled with debt from college, a lousy economy, high unemployment, and no health insurance. They are struggling to keep our head above water.

Enough is enough. We need to jump in the game in a big way and be the voice of a generation who is demanding health care reform. Can you pitch in $25 to help?

Thank you and here's to your health.

Heather Smith
President, Rock the Vote

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