Dear Supporter,
President Obama has wasted little time using the current economic crisis to ram through the Democrat-controlled Congress his liberal, statist agenda.
In a few short months, we've witnessed the largest, and most expensive, expansion of the federal government in the history of our Republic. Large swaths of the financial sector and two of the Big Three automakers are now run by Obama and his band of liberal special interest cronies.
We've seen President Obama go on an apology tour of Europe -- capitulating to the "Blame America" left-wing crowd of the Democrat Party. Another wrist slap to the tyrannical regime in North Korea as it brazenly conducted a nuclear test. And the President has shown a dangerous naiveté by engaging with brutal dictators and human rights violators in Iran, Cuba and Venezuela.
Phillip, you and over 60 million Americans did not vote for the "change" President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are bringing to our nation. You did not vote for the bankrupting of our nation, both morally and financially -- even though the liberal media would have you believe the American people are 100% behind the Obama Democrats' tax, spend and appease agenda.
The RNC believes you deserve to have a voice in the way this country is governed.
That's why I hope you will take a moment right now to fill out online the Obama Domestic Agenda Survey to let Republican leaders in Washington, D.C. and across the country know where you stand on the policies and programs being enacted and proposed by Barack Obama and his liberal allies in Congress.
And when you complete your survey, please make a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 to help move our Party forward and elect more Republicans in the 2009 state and 2010 congressional elections.
Phillip, there is so much about the Obama agenda that most Americans do not know about -- thanks to the non-stop swooning of the liberal media -- that this survey has been broken up into two sections.
The first portion of the survey focuses on the radical domestic agenda Barack Obama and the Democrats are putting forward. You will receive a follow-up email soon asking for your opinion and insights about Obama's reckless foreign policy.
With your help, we are going to expose the Obama agenda for all Americans to see so that we create a groundswell of opposition.
But we must act quickly because the Democrats are hoping to carry forward their momentum into the incredibly important governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey this November. It's up to you and me to stop them.
The RNC needs solid proof from the results of this survey to show that regardless of what the left-wing media is saying . . . there is NOT overwhelming support for many of the radical policies being pushed forward by Obama and the Democrats.
And we need your financial assistance and active involvement in the RNC to elect Republicans at all levels committed to our conservative principles.
So please complete your Obama Domestic Agenda Survey online today and support the RNC's efforts to fight Obama and the Democrats' leftist schemes to reshape America by making a secure contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25.
Phillip, the future of our country is at stake. Please take the Obama Agenda Survey today.