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Saturday, September 26, 2009

State of Downtown Report, BID Annual meeting, Transportation Leadership Paper and more ...


www.downtowndc.org/update June 2009 

In this Issue

What we're doing

The lowdown on what's going up

Serving up the scoop on eateries

Where the wares are

Who's making moves

Sustainability stories

Transit, traffic, parking and such

What city insiders know

Upcoming business events

Steady Does It 
The Downtown BID's latest "State of Downtown Report" shows the city and Downtown both suffered economic declines at the end of 2008 because of global financial and economic turmoil. Still, strategic city and federal investments and partnerships helped set records. As a result, Downtown, DC and the region will all experience job growth because of federal stimulus dollars and major investments in energy, environmental sustainability and healthcare.

Information on each sector of the Downtown BID area's challenged but steady economy is summarized in the new report, published annually and scheduled for release on June 2. The report informs public and private sector decision-makers about the current and future state of economic development in Downtown. It highlights the employment, office and residential, hospitality and tourism, cultural and entertainment and retail and transportation sectors.

BID Annual Meeting June 15
Transportation Leadership Paper Available
New SAM Headquarters
Guess Who's Coming to Washington?
New York University (NYU) plans to build a multipurpose center at 1307 L Street that will revolve around its academic programs, serve as a venue for evening intellectual and cultural events and house about 200 students in its semester-long academic programs. The facility, to be called the NYU-DC Center, could span nine floors and cover about 75,000 square feet. However, the design is not yet finalized. NYU, a private research university, plans to have the building operating by 2012 or 2013 and is shooting for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) gold certification. The center will be a part of its Global Network University. NYU has 12 major academic centers on five continents and is located in such cities as Abu Dhabi, Buenos Aires and Shanghai.

http://www.downtowndc.org/_files/images/brueggers.jpgBreaking Bread, Al Fresco
(505 9th Street) has applied to operate an outdoor café on E Street. If approved, the fresh kettle-boiled bagel people will enliven the street and attract more attention by having people sit outside the one-year-old shop. Cool. We like. The city could issue a decision by the middle of this month, just in time for warm weather.  For more information about Bruegger's, visit www.brueggers.com/.

Bibiana Osteria-Enoteca Coming
Todd English Abandons Cha
Stir Food Opens Food Cart and Bakery

http://www.downtowndc.org/_files/images/filenes.jpgHanging On
Filene's Basement (529 14th Street) may be down but it's not out. The popular Massachusetts-based retailer known for bargain shopping and special bridal events, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization last month. The Downtown store is one of the chain's 17 locations that could be saved in a stalking horse agreement, a move to maximize the company's assets before a bankruptcy court-approved auction.  An affiliate of New York-based Crown Acquisitions intends to operate the stores, including two others in DC, under the Filene's Basement name and maintain the chain's value merchandising model. But the deal is still subject to a bankruptcy court auction in which all of Filene's assets will be solicited. Stay tuned. The auction will be held by mid-June. For customer information, visit www.filenesbasement.com/.

Friends Help Chapters
Hot Fun in the Summertime
While developers of the 10-acre CityCenter DC lot ride out the economic slump, event programming will continue on the western section of the site of the former Convention Center, located on H Street between 9th and 11th Streets, through the fall. The spot was converted to a parking lot for interim use before redevelopment begins to create a major mixed-use project. It is now available for family-friendly programming that will benefit the community, promote Downtown DC's vitality and attract several thousand patrons. The Downtown Events Corporation, a Downtown BID affiliate corporation, is renting the space, which will feature two major attractions this summer. For rental information, visit www.downtowndc.org/dec. The Trapeze School New York is closing its Baltimore Inner Harbor location to occupy space at CityCenter, where it will offer two-hour flying trapeze classes for children and adults from June 6 through November. For more information, visit www.trapezeschool.com/. The Washington Kastles, the first DC-based team in the World Team Tennis (WWT) league, will return to its temporary stadium at the site on July 7 for the home opener. The season kicks off July 2 and runs through July 26. New this year: The Kastles will host the 2009 Advanta WTT Finals on July 26. Meanwhile, to keep the site active, the team plans to sublease space on days when it is not used for tennis events. For more information, including how to purchase tickets for the Kastles regular season and the Advanta WTT Finals, visit www.washingtonkastles.com/ or call 202.483.6647.


Street Named for Doggett
New IDA President
Philanthropy Awards Winners Announced
Best Downtown Work Places

http://www.downtowndc.org/_files/images/bags.jpgBag of Trouble
The DC Council could vote early this month to impose a five-cents tax on all plastic bags used by grocery stores and other entities. The Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act, often referred to as the "bag bill," seeks to reduce litter by discouraging people from using plastic and paper bags. Thousands of bags now dot the landscape and waterways. A recent survey shows that 50% of all trash in the Anacostia River's tributaries comes from plastic bags, which also are the largest items in our landfills. Eleven of the Council's 13 members co-introduced the bill, which, if approved, would either divert three or four cents to the Anacostia River clean up initiative.
USGBC Excellence Awards
Casey Trees Issues Tree Report Card

Greening DC
The DC government has announced an innovative partnership with Nissan North America and AeroVironment, an industry expert in battery and charging systems, to bring hundreds of electric vehicles and charging stations to the city. Such a move would mean that DC consumers and businesses could switch from gas to electric vehicles without worrying about where to charge their cars. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will design the charging stations, which will be installed beginning in Spring 2010. The electric vehicles will be delivered to the city in late 2010 and will be incorporated into its Fleet Share program. The partnership is part of Mayor Adrian Fenty's ambitious Green DC Agenda to make the nation's capital one of the world's most sustainable cities. The Agenda consists of seven themes--home; schools; neighborhoods and communities; parks and natural areas; transit and mobility; business, jobs and economic; and city and government operations. It also focuses on the Anacostia River and climate change. For more information, visit www.green.dc.gov/.

City Releases Pedestrian Master Plan
SmarTrip Upgrades and Website Coming
High-Tech Solutions
Got ideas about how the city can use technology to resolve problems? Well, the DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), located at 441 4th Street, wants to hear from you. Tell the agency what type of technologies you use and would like to see used in DC. The goal: to create a better 311-service request system. (The city's 311-call center accepts non-emergency calls.) So far, various suggestions have run the gamut, from using cell phones to pay for parking meters to creating an interactive public database of vacant properties. To submit your insights, visit http://insights.appsfordemocracy.org/.You can also call or txt 202.683.9980.

Tuesday, June 2, 8:00 am -- 10:00 am
Downtown DC Business Improvement District

2008 State of Downtown: Holding Firm in Uncertain Times
555 Pennsylvania Avenue

At this meeting, the Downtown DC Business Improvement District (BID) will release the 2008 State of Downtown Report, which highlights the Downtown BID area's growth and economic trends, and how they relate to the larger DC and regional economies. A public forum with a panel discussion on Downtown's economic future will follow an overview of the report. Featured panelists include Neil Irwin, a reporter with the Washington Post; Robert Pinkard, chairman of Cassidy & Pinkard Colliers; and Debbie Ratner Salzburg, president of Forest City Washington and director of Forest City Enterprises. Registration will take place on site. For more information, visit www.downtowndc.org/.

Friday, June 5, 8:00 am -- 10:00 am
Washington, DC Economic Partnership
inDC Economic Trendsetters: DC Stimulus Package for Non-Profits
Reed Smith LLP
1301 K Street

Join the Washington, DC Economic Partnership (WDCEP) for a discussion with Deputy Mayor Neil Albert on how the city is working to attract and retain nonprofit organizations and trade associations. Deputy Mayor Albert will unveil new plans for the nonprofit community. Senior executives from National Public Radio, The Urban Institute and The Pew Charitable Trusts will join him for the program, which begins at 8:30 am, immediately after registration and breakfast. The cost is $35, and registration is required. For more information, and to register, visit www.wdcep.com/.

Tuesday, June 9, 6:30 pm -- 8:00 pm
Downtown Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting
Calvary Baptist Church
755 8th Street

Both residents and workers are invited to this meeting hosted by the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA). This month's featured discussion leaders will be Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans and Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Director Linda Argo. To RSVP, e-mail miles@dcdna.org. For more information, visit www.dcdna.org/.

Monday, June 15, 4:00 pm -- 5:00 pm
Downtown DC Business Improvement District

Annual Member and Board of Directors Meeting
1250 H Street

The Downtown DC Business Improvement District (BID) will hold a joint annual Member and Board of Directors Meeting to elect new Board members and officers and to present the proposed fiscal year 2010 operating budget. Authorized representatives of property owners, commercial tenants and voluntary contributors within the Downtown BID are eligible to participate in the membership meeting. For more information, call 202.661.7562.

Wednesday, June 17, 7:00 am -- 11:30 am
DC Chamber of Commerce

Sales Stimulus with Jeffrey Gitomer
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue

Join the DC Chamber of Commerce as it hosts Jeffrey Gitomer, who will present the 10.5 Commandments of Selling from his New York Times best seller, "The Sales Bible." Learn how to create a buying atmosphere in any economic climate, including the current one. Pick up tips on how to engage your customers, make the sale and beat your competition without sacrificing price. Power networking, registration and a continental breakfast precede Gitomer's talk between 7:00 am to 8:00 am. Tickets cost $99, or $89 for groups of 10 or more. For more information, visit www.dcchamber.org/ or contact Annette Coram at acoram@dcchamber.org or 202.624.0605.

Wednesday, June 17, 11:30 am -- 1:30 pm
Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington
TOBY Awards Luncheon
JW Marriott Washington
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue

Join the Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington (AOBA-Metro) to celebrate the companies that competed for the Office Building of the Year (TOBY) awards and applaud the winners. Members pay $125; nonmembers pay $145. To register, visit www.aoba-metro.org/.  For more information, contact Pam Oeler at poeler@aoba-metro.org or 202.296.3390.

Tuesday, June 23, 8:00 am -- 10:00 am
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Commuter Connections Employer Recognition Awards
National Press Club
529 14th Street

At this ceremony, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will recognize employers who have voluntarily initiated programs using alternative commuting methods, such as transit, teleworking, carpooling/vanpooling and bicycling--all methods that help mitigate traffic congestion and provide cleaner air through reduced auto emissions. There is no charge for employers who attend this event. To RSVP, contact Stacey Walker at swalker@mwcog.org or 202.962.3327.

The Downtown DC Business Improvement District (BID) is a private, non-profit organization that provides safety, hospitality, maintenance and beautification, homeless, economic development, transportation, streetscape and marketing services to Washington's urban core.  Property owners agree to tax themselves to provide services to the Downtown BID area, which covers 138 blocks from Massachusetts Avenue on the north to Constitution Avenue on the south, and from Louisiana Avenue on the east to 16th Street on the west. For more information, visit http://www.downtowndc.org/.


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