Friday, April 3, 2009 Headlines
Senator Collins announces $47.4 million Navy contract for Bath Iron Works Senator Collins, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today announced that the U.S. Navy is awarding General Dynamics a contract with a potential value of up to $47.4 million for work to be done at Bath Iron Works (BIW). This basic ordering agreement is for work that will be completed on DDG 51 Class Destroyers that have completed a shakedown cruise. "Given reports that some Pakistani military officers have close and troubling ties with the Taliban in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, isn't there considerable risk to providing increased intelligence capabilities to them. Couldn't those capabilities fall into the wrong hands and actually end up helping the Taliban to avoid attacks?" asked Senator Collins. General Petraeus acknowledged that this is a concern and he responded that U.S. strategy depends on building trust between our country and Pakistan. Senator Collins introduces "Caring for an Aging America Act" "Studies show that more than one quarter of Maine's population will be over the age of 65 by the year 2030," said Senator Collins. "Our health care system is already struggling to find and retain qualified workers to meet this growing demand. The Caring for an Aging America Act will help recruit, train, and keep health care workers who are dedicated to providing quality health care for this aging population." Read More >> "I voted against the budget resolution because it projects an enormous increase in spending and would double the public debt in five years. This puts us on a path that could result in adding approximately $1 trillion to the debt each year for the next decade, tripling the public debt in ten years, and producing deficits totaling $9.2 trillion. As a result, our debt would exceed 80 percent of GDP by 2019the highest level since World War II. In addition, it would increase taxes by $1.5 trillion over the same period. Read More >> | SENATOR COLLINS ON PBS NEWSHOUR SENATOR COLLINS MEETS WITH BREWER FAMILY Senator Susan Collins recently met with Robert and Kathleen Gray of Brewer during their trip to Washington, D.C. SENATOR COLLINS MEETS WITH KITTERY FAMILY Senator Collins also recently met with Marc and Joyce Dumont of Kittery during their trip to Washington, D.C.
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