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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Help Support Alcohol Awareness Month

SAMHSA Supports Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol Awareness Month (AAM) is an annual observance held in April that encourages local communities to focus on alcoholism and alcohol-related issues. AAM began as a way to inform the American public that alcoholism is a treatable disease, not a moral weakness, and that people who are addicted to alcohol can and do recover.

AAM is sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), an organization dedicated to fighting the stigma and disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions.

Featured SAMHSA Web Sites

Reach Out Now Web site Reach Out Now (RON)
Promotes underage drinking prevention initiatives nationwide to help educators and communities prevent and reduce underage alcohol use.
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Web site Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for Excellence
Facilitates the development and improvement of prevention, treatment, and care systems in the United States by providing national leadership and facilitating collaboration in the field.

To order additional alcohol awareness resources, please visit the Alcohol Awareness Month campaign page.

For Phone Orders: To facilitate placement of your order, please have the inventory number available.

More Information
For more information, contact SAMHSA's Health Information Network or visit SAMHSA's
Web site:
(English and Spanish/inglés y español)
 SAMHSA's Web Site
 SAMHSA Health Information Network
 eNetwork Archives
 Find Treatment

 Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
 Too Smart to Start
Related Resources Statistical Reports
 Reach Out Now Kit: Poster/Teaching Guide With Bonus Pages; Help Prevent Underage Alcohol Use Grades 5-6 (SMA09-4406)
 Underage Drinking: Myths vs Facts (SMA08-4299)
 Mutual Support Groups (SMA08-4336)
 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Happens in the Best of Families (PHD1112)
 The Surgeon General's Call to Action To Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking: A Guide to Action for Communities PDF (974 KB)
 The NSDUH Report April 2, 2009: Exposure to Substance Use Prevention Messages and Substance Use Among Adolescents: 2002 to 2007 (NSDUH09-0402)
 Substance Use and Dependence Following Initiation of Alcohol or Illicit Drug Use
PDF (273 KB)
 Underage Alcohol Use: Where Do Young People Drink?

SAMHSA Strongman Logo

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road  |  Rockville, MD 20857  |  1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1-877-726-4727)  |  

SAMHSA is a public health agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. The agency is responsible for improving the accountability, capacity, and effectiveness of the Nation's substance abuse prevention, addictions treatment, and mental health services delivery system.

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SAMHSA Eagle LogoUnited States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "A Life in the Community For Everyone"SAMHSA eNetwork
