Dear Friends,
Lately, it's been one Republican attack after another. From trying to disenfranchise Senator Kirsten Gillibrand by challenging her very own absentee ballot in the New York Special Election to running radio ads against Democrats who voted to help middle class families in this economic crisis, it's been a banner week for the GOP attack machine.
This week, Republicans tried to channel all that anger into a series of manufactured protests (sponsored in part by corporate lobbyists) known as
'tea parties.' The problem for the GOP is that at one of these gatherings, Michael Reagan, the son of the former President went slightly off script by saying
"If my party had done their job when they had the White House, the House and the Senate, we probably would not be in this mess today."
Sign our petition: If Republicans had done their job, then we wouldn't be in this mess » With the GOP in full-on attack mode, we thought we'd bring you another edition of @Stake a collection of the latest breaking news, the latest Republican outrages, and most of all, a reminder of what's at stake in this big change year for America.
HEARD AROUND TOWN: LATEST REPUBLICAN OUTRAGES It's getting hard to keep track of all the latest despicable comments from outrageous Republicans. But we do our best to keep up and send around some of the latest outrages:
Spencer 'there's a socialist among us' Bachus Republican Congressman Spencer Bachus has resorted to picking out socialists among his House colleagues. The Alabama Republican recently identified exactly
17 Members of Congress that he considers to be socialists.
Michael 'what economic crisis' Steele Despite more than 5 million jobs having been lost in the Bush recession, RNC Chair Michael Steele disputes that Americans are suffering through hard economic times. His evidence?
The malls are just as packed on Saturday. Michele 'I'm not trying to be inflammatory' BachmannDespite making enough outrageous statements to fill its own library, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann now claims that
she hasn't been purposely trying to be inflammatory. That hasn't reassured an editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune who recently said he was
embarrassed for publishing one of Congresswoman Bachmann's lies about green energy legislation.
AD SPOTLIGHT As Republicans see their 'just say no' message of obstructing President Obama fall on deaf ears, they've resorted to their old attack and distract ways. This week,
they came after 43 of our proud Democratic incumbents with radio ads and automated phone calls attacking them for voting to pass President Obama's budget that will cut the Bush deficit and build a strong foundation for economic growth.
Thanks to your support, we are fighting back with the truth.
Listen to our "Tax Man" radio ads holding Republicans accountable for opposing President Obama's middle class tax cuts.
2010 UPDATE Republicans are on the attack because they smell an opportunity. Democrats are battling history to try and protect our Majority and the GOP knows it. Going all the way back to Abraham Lincoln, 22 of 24 newly elected Presidents saw their party lose seats in the next midterm election and the average number of seats lost is 30.
But with your support, we're going to win this battle just like we have before by keeping the pressure on obstructionist Republicans across the country. For instance, there's fresh new evidence that Republicans are in big trouble in California. Check out Politico's story about
the GOP withering away in the California heat.
Stay tuned for future editions of
@Stake for the latest news and headlines from the campaign trail. Thank you again for driving and supporting our people-powered movement to move America in a new direction.
Jon Vogel
Executive Director, DCCC
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