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Monday, March 2, 2009

As Crime Increases and the Economy Falls-How Will You Defend Yourself?

As Crime Increases and the Economy Falls-How Will You Defend Yourself?   

How do you feel about the economy in today's world?  We are reading in almost every country, that crime is on the rise due to the problems in the workforce and the fall in the economy.  So how will you defend yourself?

Recent headlines are reading more and more of bank robberies, home invasions, car vandalism and thefts, purse snatchings, and other criminal behavior.  With millions of people out of work, it is no wonder.

Crime analysts have always had different opinions about economic downturns leading to increasing crime rates. However, since the most recent fall on Wall Street, law enforcement agencies worldwide have seen notable increases in violence and property offenses as signs it is related to the economy.

Cities around world are reporting robberies in unprecedented numbers compared to recent years, or even decades.  Many of the target victims are retail stores which have never seen crimes such as these.  Those would include grocery and clothing stores, banks, and even restaurant suppliers.

Thefts of cars have jumped nationwide by 164% from last year, and vandalism leading to theft has more than doubled.  Most law enforcement officers say it has been in direct correlation to the economy falling.

In October 2008, a survey of 180 law enforcement agencies by the Police Executive Research Forum in Washington, D.C., found that 75% cited the recent rise in crime was related to property crime.

The FBI states that the most vulnerable portion of the population, are young adults, many of whom have already been in some type of trouble with police, and who were trying to move into the workforce.  They can't find a job to keep them from returning to previously committed lives of crime.

The Center for Crime Prevention and Control says the demand for illegal drugs is also being driven to more crime as the economy falls. Major surges in crime, are at their highest since the 1990's.  The sale of illicit drugs is the only way many criminals can find a way to afford the drugs to sell to those who illegally do them. 

The combination of declining resources and increases in many offenses may be representing only the first wave of the bad news.  Because desperate people do desperate things to stay afloat, there are thousands who are giving away pets because they can't afford to feed them.  Where once there was a dog to bark away an intruder, there is now nothing to deter a thief.  People without an income certainly can't spend upwards of $100 per month to install and run home security systems.  Many have turned to the one time purchase of home alarms that do not require monthly service fees.

Many cities saw a dramatic decrease in crime over 2007 and 2008 due to more police patrols.  However, 62% of US police departments are now having to cut their forces and cutting overtime spending completely. 

Among cities reporting increases in crimes, almost all account this to the sagging economy.  Atlanta Police blames the economy for increases of 14% in burglary, and 17% in auto theft.   Instead of stealing jewelry and other valuables, burglars are taking flat-screen TVs and computers which can be resold as there is more demand.  Thieves are even stealing license plates for the renewal stickers in order to find relief from paying taxes on their vehicles.

The safety of all citizens must be our first priority; the second is the protection of their property.  We are doing our part by raising your awareness to methods of protection.

This article was written for LaneSelfDefense.com by Jill Manzoni ©

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