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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stop Great Depression II Now!

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My Fellow Democrat,

Congratulations! You can be proud of standing up for true Democratic values – values that inspired America to elect President Obama.

But now we must all turn -- and quickly -- to the work of governing, and to the immediate, critical task of STOPPING GREAT DEPRESSION II. Our real work at Democrats for America's Future is just beginning.

The economy is about to fall off a cliff, but Obama's Recovery Plan can pull us back from the edge. The Republicans, though, are trying to delay, weaken, and distort the plan. They're even willing to risk a second Great Depression -- as long as they can enrich their favorite banks and cut taxes for their super rich friends.

I urge you to contribute $5 or more -- right now -- to help DFAF push back against GOP obstructions and help Obama save the economy and the jobs of hard-working Americans.

But time is short! The state of our economy is "terrifying," says Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate in economics. "Let's not mince words: This looks an awful lot like the beginning of a second Great Depression."

We need your help now -- before it's too late. Spread the word to help us build public support for a powerful Recovery Plan. Forward this email to your friends and family. And tell them about Democrats for America's Future.

Right now, Congress is making final decisions on the Plan -- how much to spend on saving jobs, creating jobs, and helping those who have already lost their jobs.

These next few days are pivotal – and now is when you can have the greatest impact on stopping another Great Depression. Please donate $5 or more so DFAF can help push the strongest and fairest possible Recovery Plan through congress.

Democrats for America's Future has been mobilizing public support for real Democratic values -- like shared prosperity -- that can lead our nation to a better future. I'm asking you to help now -- so we can reach that future together.

Jennifer Petty
Executive Director

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