Dear Supporters,
Last Friday, thousands of committed Democrats participated in our Ideas for Change Forum to make their voices heard as House Democrats and President Obama developed the agenda for the 111th Congress.
I fielded thoughtful questions from our fellow Democrats regarding the President's Economic Recovery Bill, health care, energy independence, climate change and many other issues critically important to America's future.
Together, we were able to share ideas, brainstorm solutions and set a new course to fulfill America's promise for all our citizens, not just the rich and well-connected.
Now that you've had an opportunity to share your ideas,
we're asking you to share your energy and enthusiasm by renewing your committment to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
Click here to renew your DCCC membership today and receive your 2009 Membership Card. Unlike Republicans, who are primarily interested in talking to well-connected lobbyists, the Democrats are engaging and mobilizing grassroots supporters like you. And we need you to get involved right now.
To fulfill President Obama's promise for America's future, all of us will need to get involved. All of us must be engaged in the campaign for change. All of us must work to build upon the historic victory last November.
Click here to renew your DCCC membership today and receive your 2009 Membership Card. It took the hard work and determination of committed Democrats like you to secure November's victory and it's going to take all of us to turn the electoral victory into achievements that will set America in a New Direction.
Thank you for all your past support and steadfast commitment to the DCCC.
Rep. Chris Van Hollen
DCCC Chairman