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Monday, February 9, 2009

Over the Cliff?

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My Fellow Democrat,

The Washington GOP would be a joke -- if they weren't trying to push our economic future and millions of good American jobs off the cliff.

Our nation is crying out for swift action to pull us back from the edge of another Great Depression. That's why Congress is racing to pass President Obama's Recovery Bill right away.

Republicans don't care about the unemployed masses, swelling by 150,000 workers -- and their families -- every week! As long as the rich get more tax cuts and the idle get more free money to play with.

Please help save our economy and livelihoods. I'm asking you to donate $5 or more to Democrats for America's Future -- so we can urge Congress to pass the Obama Recovery Bill now.

The deadline is the end of this week – when the nation hopes the President will sign the Bill. We have to make sure the GOP-ers don't delay it again or divert more cash to their favorite banks and rich CEOs.

Because this week is so crucial, your contribution will make an immediate difference – to start reviving a working America, to start rebuilding a strong foundation of good paying, long-lasting, productive jobs.

Your friends and family can also help to save the economy -- please forward this email to them. And tell them about Democrats for America's Future.

Now's the chance for REAL DEMOCRATS like you … to do something for hard-working folks everywhere trying to keep their jobs and their families above water … and for millions of laid-off workers trying to feed their kids, and desperately hoping for another chance to earn a decent living.

Delay is simply not an option. I assure you that we need your contribution now, so Obama can sign the Recovery Bill before another week goes by – before another 150,000 Americans lose their jobs.

Yours for Real,
Jennifer Petty
Executive Director

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