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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is there any plans to setup a Affiliate sales program at your site company?

Hi, Is there any plans to setup a Affiliate sales program at your site company?  It would be nice to have a sales link to your site companys  Products/services in ShoppingMallDC.com pages.  If you are intrested in  Affiliate programs sites please see the affiliate signup banners below to  setup  a Merchants Affiliate sales program for your company site Products/services.
Those are the Affiliate sites I use for links on the sites of ShoppingMallDC.com.
Please let me know if you do setup a Affiliate sales program so that the site  ShoppingMallDC.com may apply for it. Please fell free to call me at  240-720-5919 if you have any questions about a Affiliate sales program.
Link Connector Signup  Earn $$ for your website traffic
Pepper Jam Network Signup PJN Promo
Link Share Signup  LinkShare Referral Prg
Share A Sale signup
Zanox Signup zanox Affiliates find Affiliates
Thanks, Phillip Quiett
3167 Mt. Pleasant St., NW
P.O. Box 43865
Washington, DC 20010
To contact me via email, Please use the web site contact us links
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