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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tell President Obama - Make Vote for DC a High Priority

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Today, the Washington Post reported that President-elect Obama was supportive of DC voting rights but he indicated that it may not be a high priority (DC Vote on Obama's Agenda, But Low, Washington Post 01/16/08).

Help DC Vote send a message to President Obama urging him to act swiftly on DC voting rights! We have the votes to pass the DC Voting Rights Act in early 2009. Victory is on the horizon but we need your help to reach out to the new administration. Let the President-elect know that extending American democracy to DC residents is an issue of vital importance. Tell him to sign the DC Voting Rights Act into law as soon as it reaches his desk.

Postcard to the President

Click here to sign our virtual postcard to the President TODAY! Help us send a message to President-elect Obama that the time to act on DC voting rights is now. Then, pass along this message to your friends, family and colleagues.

Ilir Zherka
Executive Director

P.S. DC Vote will reach millions of visitors to the District during this weekend's historic inauguration. Visit our event page to check out the number of inaugural events we are sponsoring. We will be gathering postcard and petition signatures, distributing stickers and information and will even have an advertisement in the Washington Post's commemorative inaugural edition. Working with our volunteers, our combined efforts will reach millions of visitors with our message of DC voting rights!

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"DC Vote" and "Taxation Without Representation" are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
DC Vote ? 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200 ? Washington, DC 20036 ? 202.462.6000 ? Fax 202.462.7001 ? info@dcvote.org

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