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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Phillip, tell us how to Rock the Vote in 2009

Rock The Vote

Rock the Vote

Dear Phillip

Much to do in 2009!The new Congress was sworn-in yesterday, the President-elect will be sworn-in in two weeks, and Rock the Vote is gearing up for 2009… and we want your input!

Our strength lies in you--we are only as effective as you are active. So this year we will be giving you actions to take in your own communities while acting as a microphone for your efforts and your concerns in Washington DC.  And we want to make sure that we are working on the issues that YOU care most about.

Please take this quick survey to tell us what you're interested in.

The issues facing our nation and our lives are large, but last November we proved we are incredibly powerful when we come together as a generation.  By turning out to vote in such huge numbers in November, we caught the attention of those in power.  Now we must use our power to affect the issues that matter most.  Please take a second to tell us what issues you think we should prioritize.

Thanks for all you do.  And here is to making real and positive change happen in 2009...


P.S. We rely on the support of people like you to keep this effort going!  Please give what you can today so we can keep fighting for you - please donate today

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