We are pleased to inform you about two Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently issued.
PA-09-070- AHRQ Health Services Research Projects (R01) is for large research extramural grants. The first application receipt date is March 9, 2009.
PA-09-071- AHRQ Health Services Research Demonstration and Dissemination Grants (R18) solicits large research demonstration and dissemination projects. The first application receipt date is March 9, 2009.
Both FOAs update previous program announcements by including new AHRQ portfolio objectives. Applications should focus on identified priority areas in one of the six AHRQ portfolios described below.
- Value Portfolio: The goal of the value portfolio is to help ensure that consumers and patients are served by health care organizations that reduce unnecessary costs (waste) while maintaining or improving quality.
- Health Information Technology Portfolio: This portfolio aims to identify challenges to health information technology (IT) adoption and use, solutions and best practices for making health IT work, and tools that will help hospitals and clinicians successfully incorporate new health IT.
- Comparative Effectiveness Portfolio: This portfolio strives to provide health care decisionmakersincluding patients, clinicians, purchasers, and policymakerswith up-to-date, evidence-based information about their treatment options to make informed health care decisions.
- Prevention/Care Management Portfolio: This portfolio aims to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the delivery of evidence-based preventive services and chronic care management in ambulatory care settings.
- Patient Safety Portfolio: This portfolio strives to identify risks and hazards that lead to medical errors and find ways to prevent patient injury associated with delivery of health care.
- Innovations and Emerging Issues Portfolio: This portfolio aims to identify and support research that has the potential to lead to significant advances in health care. Research and activities reflect ideas substantially different from those already being pursued by AHRQ, and constitute transformative research to solve pressing health care problems.
Both FOAs also reinstitute a budget of up to $500,000 in total annual project costs.
Please note that a previously released FOA, Researching Implementation and Change While Improving Quality remains open, and we will consider applications submitted for the January 25 receipt date.
If you have any questions about the FOAs, please contact the appropriate staff member associated with each portfolio. A list of staff can be found at: http://www.ahrq.gov/fund/staffcon.htm
We look forward to receiving your applications.
Francis Chesley, Jr., M.D.
Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations
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