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Friday, December 5, 2008

YES!! He is back!!

Yes!  He decided to face it! The Schönstatt Movement in Washington, DC needs him, and so he took a plane and came to visit us.
He speaks as good German as Beckenbauer (well, he is a German!);
as good Spanish as a German, who speaks very good Spanish,
and he speaks much better English than me!  :-))
He is the famous Father Dieter Haas, our spiritual advisor, and he comes to Washington, DC twice a year, since he is our spiritual advisor.
Fr. Dieter will have many meetings in the area. We share here with you the ones open to everybody. Hopefully you'll take advantage of this great visit and will be able to attend some of these meetings!
Please open the attachment to see about the Saturday meeting with Fr. Dieter.
Hope to see you at some of the events!
Enrique   Please forward it to your list!
At the Morning of Reflection in Virginia in April 2008



From December 3 to 6, 2008

8:00 p.m.                    Meeting with the couples group: "Self education as a means to fulfill my mission. Spiritual Daily Order, Special resolution"    
Contact person Edgar Cabañas ecabanas@IADB.ORG



Friday, 5 December


9:00 am                       Holy Mass and dedication of the new wayside shrine at Elfi's house.  All are invited. Please contact Elfi if you plan to attend. 1-703-830-3044  estitz@cox.net    6600 Castle Ridge Rd.   Clifton, VA20124



12:30 to 1:30 p.m.      Schoenstatt Meeting at the Inter American Development

                                    "Self education makes me free and happy! Spiritual Daily Order, Special resolution"

1300 New York, N.W., Washington, D.C.    20577          Contact person Sonia Mondon Office (202) 623-2726, Cell (202) 341-9067    Edgar Cabañas ecabanas@IADB.ORG


7:30 p.m.             Blessing of the Home Shrine at Salvador and Rosario Santos' house.  All are invited.

1607 Parham Place, Silver Spring, MD  20903         Salvador Santos (703) 403-5750

Rosario Santos (301) 439-3319 – Cell (301) 785-8090   rsantos@oas.org



Saturday, 6 December


8:30 a.m                      Mass

9:00 a.m. 12:00          A morning of reflection, with Father Dieter A. Haas

                                    "All I need to be happy: Finding my inner balance."

                                    7401 St. Michael's Lane, Annandale, VA 22003

                                    at the Lower School: 1st building on your right.







9:15  - 10:00

Songs –

Fr. Dieter's talk about "All I need to be happy: Finding my inner balance."

10:00 – 10:40

Personal sharing in two or three groups: How can I work on the spiritual daily order and on a special resolution.

10:40 – 10:55

Coffee break

10:55 – 11:20

Sharing of a summary of the conversations in the groups.

11:20 – 12:00

Fr. Dieter's closing talk and conclusions.


At Schönstatt Place in Washington, DC - April 2008

Organizing Your Finances To Prosper

The Real God Woman

What Happens When You Sow Your Seed?

Having Faith For The Multitude

Your Season Is Now

The Power Of Agreement

How To Get The Best Out Of Your Investment

How to Limit Distractions in your life

Bringing The Order Of God In Your Life

Conditions for Continued Prosperity

The Keys of The Kingdom

Submitted Virtuous Women

Stepping Into Your Sonship

Obtaining Victory By Overcoming Destructive Habits

Knowing Your Father Through Prayer

Understanding Kingdom Prosperity
