Dear Friends,
The incoming administration is deciding right now how ambitious they can be on climate and energy policy. We need to help build broad public understanding and strong support for the kind of deep, structural change needed to end the climate crisis and revive our economy.
Our next series of ads paints portraits of Americans making this change happen. It launches nationwide this week, and we could really use your help getting out the word.
If we can raise $121,000 by Thursday, we'll extend our airtime purchase to get the first new Repower America ad on 60 Minutes this weekend.See the first ad in this new series
here, and
please help if you can. I think you'll really like it. Just click here: This series of ads is designed to make the opportunity real and concrete. Ranchers making money from wind. Electricians wiring old buildings to be energy efficient. Jobs, clean energy, a strong economy. The climate crisis averted. This is the future under a 'Repower'
ed America'. Most people don't realize that the proven technologies needed already exist today. We have to show them. And we don't have much time.
For years, the fossil fuel industry has worked overtime to brand renewable energy as a tree-hugger delusion. But exactly the opposite is true. For example, wind power is cheap and a mature technology. Wind turbines produce electricity for less cost than oil or natural gas plants, and are competitive with new coal plants, even today. And
building the wind turbines to capture this energy will create good manufacturing and construction jobs here in America. Of course, once you build the turbines you don't have to pay for any expensive foreign oil or dirty coal. American workers making the tools to harness clean American energy -- that's what the Repower America plan is all about.
This ad also depicts an electric pickup truck, which is particularly head turning. The oil companies have worked for years to make people think that electric cars can never rival internal combustion in power or performance, and that's just plain wrong. Hybrids are ready today, as you know. And cars build with electric motors are four times as efficient as today's cars with gasoline engines. That's why electric cars can run on less than $1.00 per gallon-equivalent, if you get your clean power from wind, for example. And electrics can deliver all the torque and power anyone could want.
It's time for Detroit to begin building this new fleet of 21st century cars.Can you help us get this ad on the air? Just go to: their hearts, everyone knows that Al Gore is right. That
our biggest problems are all intertwined. That "we're borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the planet." And that "Every bit of that's got to change."
Now it's time to start talking about what that change should look like. The oil and coal companies have thousands of lobbyists on Capitol Hill promoting their idea of change. Which is, of course, really more of the same.
Together, we need to work to get out the truth. Because the future is bright, if we'll just build it.Thanks,
Cathy Zoi