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Friday, December 12, 2008

Welcome to Reality

Please check out this message from the Alliance for Climate Protection, announcing the Reality Coalition.  -Cathy

"Clean Coal" Facility Tour

See the Reality behind "clean coal."

Dear Supporter,

It's everywhere -- advertising from companies claiming that coal is clean. The stark reality is that there is literally no such thing as clean coal electricity in the United States today -- not one American home today is powered by a coal-burning plant that captures and stores its carbon pollution. And coal plants are responsible for a full third of America's carbon dioxide pollution -- the chief cause of global warming.

As Barack Obama and Congress begin to chart a new course on energy, we feel it's crucial to help shatter the false illusion the coal industry is promoting. Let's be clear: until U.S. coal power plants capture and store their carbon dioxide emissions, they cannot be considered "clean." And right now, none of them do. So today, in partnership with several prominent environmental organizations, the Alliance for Climate Protection is launching a major campaign we're calling, quite simply, Reality.

To see the great ad the Reality Coalition is launching and to help out, just go to:


Coal companies seem to be spending their money marketing coal as "clean" rather than actually making it clean. This has got to stop. That's why we're calling them out boldly and publicly on their rhetoric. We're expecting a major response from the coal industry, and we need your help.

The tag line and core message of the Reality campaign is simply "In Reality, there's no such thing as clean coal" -- highlighting that in America today, no such thing exists. We're insisting that the coal industry do more than "talk the talk," but that they now "walk the walk." We're challenging them to immediately invest in the technologies that can stop carbon pollution from entering the atmosphere. Over 600 coal plants operate now without such controls and more than 60 new dirty plants are proposed. None of these plants are "clean."

We're going to need your help to get out the word, because the coal industry has a lot of money and resources to move their message. Today, to start, we're asking folks simply to sign up to help -- to join the movement and help form a new "Reality Corps."

To see the ad and help, just go to:


Thanks so much,

Brian Hardwick
Reality Coalition

P.S. These new ads are sponsored by the Reality Coalition, a project of the Alliance for Climate Protection, with support from our friends at the The League of Conservation Voters (LCV), the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and the Sierra Club.

