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Fellow Democrat, RFK, Jr. asked me to give you this urgent update from Minnesota ...
You can make a real difference by supporting the important work of NoVoterLeftBehind.net, led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who exposed Republican schemes to steal the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. With thousands of absentee ballots yet to be accounted for, Coleman's steadily shrinking lead is now down to under 200 votes out of 2.9 million -- a margin of under seven-thousandths of 1 percent. NoVoterLeftBehind.net was founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on the motto "No more 2000s!" That battle cry for our group applies to both national and state-specific races. We know the kind of goon-squad tactics the Republicans used in 2000 to shut down the recount and deny the U.S. presidency to Al Gore. We need the help of concerned Democrats nationwide to make sure this doesn't happen in Minnesota. Time is short. Please forward this email to friends who share your concern for making sure every vote is counted in the Minnesota US Senate race. The election is not over yet! You can make a real difference today by helping NoVoterLeftBehind.net stop the GOP from stealing the Minnesota Senate election. Join RFK, Jr. now in making sure that this time democracy wins! Yours, Jennifer Petty Executive Director