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Friday, December 12, 2008

Nader on Democracy Now, Single Payer Number One

Ralph Nader for President 2008

December 6, 2008


In case you missed it, Ralph Nader was on Democracy Now! Friday morning.

You can catch the segment here.

Also, thanks to all of you who participated in our recent survey.

We wanted to know what issues you were most interested in working on.

More than 10,000 of you responded.

And the results are now in.

The full picture, complete with charts and tables, can be seen at votenader.org/survey/results.

The top five issues were:

  1. Adopt single payer health care -- 18.68%
  2. Full military and corporate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan -- 16.37%
  3. Convert to a renewable energy economy -- 12.53%
  4. Others -- 8.72%
  5. End corporate welfare, subsidies and bailouts -- 8.54%

Thank you again for your input.

And thank you for standing with us in this momentous year.


The Nader Team

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Nader for President 2008 P.O. Box 34103 Washington, D.C. 20043 (202) 471 5833

