| Tuesday, December 02, 2008 If the Internet consisted of real brick and mortar buildings there would be a construction boom going on right now like the world has never seen. The Internet is not in a recession or on the road to a depression, rather it is experiencing an economic and social explosion of activity. Editor's Note: Made-for-AdSense usually has a bad connotation, nearly synonymous with spam. But just as email marketing gets a bum rap because of junk mailers and phishers, MFA blogs get a raw deal because of scrapers. A little business savvy, though, makes them bona fide, moneymaking topic forums. What do you think about that? Let us know in the comments. The reason ... Google Adsense. Most people think of Google Adsense as being a game-changer for advertising, but what Google Adsense has also done is to create a huge incentive to build sites around topics to place Google Adwords on. Where this seems to work best is with gadgets. There is no topic left untouched by the Adsense content builders, but gadgets are at the heart of this new Internet construction boom. The Gadget Content Explosion... On November 5th, 2007 Google announced the name of its Google phone project ... Android. Name announcements are where it all starts because domaining is at the heart of SEO which is important to getting free traffic which is critical to new Internet projects getting Adsense funding. Literally, hundreds of domains have been registered since this announcement with the Android name and other variations that mean the same. A few examples .... helloandroid.com justanotherandroidblog.com phandroid.com All of those domains now rank in the top ten results when searching for "android blog" in Google! Trademark Infringement? Nope! A more schooled business person might wonder about all of this trademark infringement and think cease and desist letters will be flying to all of these new sites. Think again my old school friend! The legal community may not be aware, but trademarking is no longer enforced by a large army of corporations on the Internet. The reason is because companies have finally figured out that Internet content centered around their brands is rather GOOD for their brands! The majority of the content I am talking about is of the good kind where these newly constructed websites become the hub for discussion, commenting, reviewing, supporting and in general getting down to the nitty-gritty of every new gadget (or every new anything) introduced to the world. Google and the other search engines then crawl this content and in effect help turn these new web construction sites into thriving neighborhood hangouts where thousands of real people actually go. These people become the first drivers of new products and are the early adopters who will wait in line to buy. An example of this is the recently launched Blackberry Storm available for Verizon customers. Lines were out the door at Verizon stores and most locations sold out. The word of mouth on this product spawned from thousands of websites, many of which were created to focus exclusively on the Blackberry Storm.
Mobile Website Help Our featured post today comes from RHunt. They are looking to make a mobile version of their website for Internet capable devices like cell phones. What they want to know is if they should use a sub domain address and if so, would this cause any problems for their main website with the search engines. Think you can help RHunt out? Tell us your thoughts at WebProWorld! Subscribe to the WebProWorld Feed
I want to make this page more accessible for theses types of devices... It's not to hard to do a redesign without the flash. My big questions are what do I call the URL: mob.mysite.com? Will this affect my good serps on the main site, and what are the implications on duplicate content?
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