The election has come and gone. The votes have been counted (at least most of them). Now the real work begins.
This year, both candidates put forth solutions to America's health care crisis and long-term financial security. Both candidates said that they would work in a bi-partisan fashion to accomplish their goals. But will President-elect Obama keep his promise and make sure every American can save for the future and get access to quality, affordable health care?
It's up to you. Here at Divided We Fail, we're still working to keep health care and financial security at the top of the presidential agenda. But it was your support that made Divided We Fail one of the most influential grassroots campaigns in 2008 -- and we'll need your continued help to make a difference in Washington.
This has been an historic and monumental election. But campaign speeches won't end our financial crisis and make it easier to save for the future. And campaign promises alone won't fix a broken health care system. Now, it's time for the change we need.
This year's election was unlike any other. Americans from across the country made their voices heard -- making phone calls, showing up to events, and using the internet to call for bi-partisan action from Washington. The candidates heard us, and pledged to work in a bi-partisan fashion to tackle the tough issues. Now, will you make sure President-elect Obama follows through?
A new President's first 100 days set the tone for their entire administration. And during this time of transition, nothing could be worse than partisan gridlock getting in the way of addressing our NATION'S MOST URGENT PROBLEMS -- affordable health care and long-term financial security.
Before President-elect Obama gets sworn in, make sure he stays true to his campaign promise to Divided We Fail -- and YOU - to work across the aisle for real change in his first 100 days.
The horse race is over. Now it's time for real action on affordable health care and long-term financial security. But it won't happen unless we put aside partisan bickering and come together for real, concrete change -- take action today!
Our economic crisis is making it harder than ever for Americans to make ends meet -- much less save for the future. Skyrocketing health care costs are still overwhelming many American families. President-elect Obama has a lot of work ahead of him. Where should he start?
Should President-elect Obama make American's long-term financial security his number one priority? Or fix a health care system causing hundreds of thousands of medical bankruptcies?
Share your opinion and hear what other Divided We Fail supporters have to say -- tell us what you think at the ShAARP Session blog!
After months of Divided We Fail members spreading the word and passing out pledge cards, Divided We Fail reached a big milestone in October: more than one million Americans signing the Divided We Fail pledge to vote for candidates who will work across the aisle and be specific about their proposals.
That's right -- on November 4, there were over 1 million Americans calling for real change in Washington.
President-elect Obama and the new Congress can't ignore one million loud voices. But we're still working harder than ever to make sure they break through partisan gridlock and bring quality affordable health care and long-term financial security for all Americans.
Joyce Wyka, from Port Jervis, NY, is the November Champ of the Month.
Even though Joyce just recently became a volunteer for Divided We Fail, she has already been an active and important part of the Divided We Fail team!
During the Port Jervis "Week of Action", Joyce went the extra mile. She woke up early and reached out to morning commuters at the Port Jervis train station, went door-to-door to distribute Divided We Fail door hangers, and made special visits to senior centers with pledge cards. Hundreds of people signed the Divided We Fail pledge thanks to Joyce's hard work.
Thanks Joyce for your partnership and dedication!

Speaking of going the extra mile: an honorable mention goes out this month to New York's Associate State Director Angela Neal, who encountered an activist in a squirrel suit but survived with her dignity intact -- and helped get lots of great visibility for Divided We Fail at the last presidential debate!