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Friday, November 21, 2008

Not another Florida 2000

Hello Friends,

Picture this: a razor close election, and the Republican holds a tiny lead after the first count of millions of ballots. And, once again, he goes to court - repeatedly - to try to shut down the recount.

Not Bush v. Gore in Florida - this is Franken vs. Coleman in Minnesota. A choice between one side that wants every vote counted and the side that just wants Coleman votes counted.

Please donate to Al Franken's recount fund and help make sure all the votes are counted.

So far, unlike Florida in 2000, Norm Coleman's efforts are not working. We just found out last evening that Coleman's latest attempt to block and delay met the same fate as the others: defeat in the courts.

But make no mistake, they can still twist the process. As the judge said yesterday, "With each passing hour, the Franken campaign is irreparably harmed in its efforts to ensure that each valid vote is properly counted."

Let's make sure Al Franken has the resources he needs to continue to keep up the fight to make sure each and every valid vote is counted. He needs our help right now.

Please donate to Al Franken's recount fund and help make sure all the votes are counted.

Norm Coleman first won his seat after the tragic death of Paul Wellstone, and Al, a good friend of Paul's, is fighting to get that seat back in progressive hands. The stakes are high; we can't let them try to steal this seat.

Thank you,
John Kerry



An individual may contribute a maximum amount of $2,300 per election (the primary and general are separate elections) to a federal candidate. Federal multi-candidate political action committees (PAC's) may contribute $5,000 per election. Contributions from non-U.S. citizens, citizens under the age of 18, corporations, labor organized treasury funds, foreign nationals, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Corporations and individuals are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution to any candidate.

Contributions of gifts to a candidate are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per election cycle.

This email was sent by: John Kerry for Senate
129 Portland St., Ste. 500 Boston, MA 02114 USA

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