Hello Nader/Gonzalez Supporters, One week (and one day) before the election, we are going to plaster DC with Nader/Gonzalez posters. Meet us at our headquarters and then join us as we disperse throughout Washington DC to make sure that Ralph's name is not forgotten on election day. This was Ralph's Idea and he is very excited about it so lets make him proud as he drives through Washington and sees that the city is covered with his posters. We are having 1000 posters made right now, this will give us 500 (as we will need two for each light poll) Nader/Gonzalez posters to dispense in the main thoroughfares in DC. Please come join us at 7pm on Monday the 27th as we plaster DC. Any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know Peace and Blessings, Nickie Brooks National Volunteer Coordinator 202-471-5833
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