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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Women for Obama Newsletter: Women for the Change We Need

The Democratic Party
Women for Obama
  Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 Campaign Update  
  Watch Barack's new ad on equal pay with Lilly Ledbetter

Watch Barack's new ad on equal pay with Lilly Ledbetter.


Friday: The First Debate of the general Election -- Host a Debate Watch Party!

The first debate of the general election is scheduled for this Friday, September 26th, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time.

Watch Michelle Obama's video about the debate and sign up to host or attend a Debate Watch Party.

October 1st: Online Townhall with Cecile Richards

Next Wednesday, October 1st, Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards will host an online townhall on women's health. Watch for an email with details.


Learn about how Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to addressing women's health issues, then share this flyer with your friends:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden: Strengthening Women's Health


Michelle Joins Maya Angelou in Greensboro, North Carolina

Last Thursday, Michelle Obama held a Women for Obama rally in Greensboro with Maya Angelou. Michelle discussed why Barack's plan is right for North Carolina.

Read more about the event and watch Maya Angelou's introduction.

Watch Michelle's speech in Greensboro.

Michelle Reaches Out to Women and Students at the University of Wisconsin

By Carl Jaeger
September 23rd, 2008
The Badger Herald

Michelle Obama reached out to women and students of Madison Monday, encouraging them to register their friends and take them to the polls to vote for her husband, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, on Election Day.... Kicking off Wisconsin's "Women's Week of Action," Obama told a crowd of 1,800 gathered outside Camp Randall they were living in "an exciting moment in history."

Read the rest of the story.


Gov. Kathleen Sebelius on the Trail for Obama in Asheville, North Carolina

By Josh Boatwright
September 20th, 2008
Ashville Citizen Times

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius linked the current stock market crisis to policies backed by Sen. John McCain during a campaign event for Sen. Barack Obama at a North Asheville coffee shop on Friday... Sebelius told enthusiastic supporters that GOP candidate McCain has vowed to sustain failed policies contributed to the nation's economic turmoil, while Obama advocates regulations to reign in misbehavior on Wall Street.

"It isn't just a string of bad luck that produced the tumult that we see on Wall Street," Sebelius said. "It's a stream of bad policy and a stream of deregulation of the financial services industry."

Read the rest of the story.

National Association of Police Organizations Endorses Obama-Biden!

On Monday, Joe Biden accepted the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations on behalf of Senator Obama. Senator Biden spoke on a conference call about the Obama-Biden commitment to work with local law enforcement to reduce crime and better protect our communities.

Read more about the endorsement event.


Great Turnout and Mobilization for Women's Week of Action

Last week, thousands of you knocked on doors, called women in your state, attended rallies with Barack Obama and Joe Biden, joined Jill Biden and her daughter Ashley on Saturday to kick off "Take Your Daughter to Canvass Day," and celebrated endorsements from national treasures like Lilly Ledbetter, Sally Ride, Dolores Huerta, and many others.

Barack appreciates your commitment and dedication, and as he said himself in Florida:

"I hope you'll join me. I hope you'll walk with me so that we can turn the page on the failed policies of the past. And if you make that commitment, if everybody out here is getting registered, if everybody is out there volunteering, if all of you are doing a little community organizing, if you're making phone calls and sending out emails and knocking on doors and talking to folks at church, if you've decided that you want to roll up your sleeves and join with me and change this country block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, county by county, state by state, then I promise you this, we will not just win Florida, we'll win this general election and then you and I together are going to change this country and change the world."

Watch Barack's remarks at a Women for Obama rally in Florida last week.

Read more, see photos, and watch video from Women's Week of Action events across the nation.


This week, Spend Some Time Calling Women in Battleground States  

The Neighbor to Neighbor calling tool lets you tap into the power of this grassroots movement right from your home. Neighbor to Neighbor enables you to talk to other people about Barack Obama and his vision for the future of our country. You can call potential supporters in your state or in an important battleground state.

Diane, a supporter in Bloomington, IL, hosted her first Women for Obama phonebanking party this past weekend with a group of friends. They had a blast and wrote in to share their experience with us!

Read about Diane's event and learn how to host your own party.


Learn more about Senator Obama from women who know him best.

Check out our video interview with Valerie Jarrett, longtime friend and Senior Advisor to Senator Obama.

Dr. Susan Rice, senior national security advisor to Barack, spent time on the Women for Obama blog for the first Women for Obama online policy town hall on Thursday night.

Watch the video of Dr. Susan Rice.

Visit our WFO organizing events page and find out how you can organize your own events and help the campaign reach undecided women across the country.

Also, check out the 10 Ways You Can Help Elect Barack Obama.


McCain's Court: Change We Don't Need

By Cass R. Sunstein
The Huffington Post

There has been much debate about whether Sen. John McCain is a candidate of change. But in one area, McCain is unquestionably a reformer. He would almost certainly make fundamental changes in the direction of the U.S. Supreme Court.

McCain has said that, should he be president, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito "would serve as the model for my own nominees." He regularly attacks what he calls "activist judging," and he described a recent ruling vindicating the right to habeas corpus as "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country." McCain has repeatedly said that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overruled.

Read the full piece here.


-- Visit women.barackobama.com

-- Start your own WFO page at my.barackobama.com/WomenforObama

-- Encourage friends and family to sign up for our newsletter and updates at http://my.barackobama.com/WFOsignup

-- Pass this email on to your friends, family and neighbors.
  Visit Women.BarackObama.com for the latest news  

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