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Friday, September 26, 2008

Wall Street Bailout


       Issue September 22, 2008 - http://sanders.senate.gov

I need your help to oppose Bush's Plan to Bailout Wall Street at Taxpayer Expense.


For years, we have heard the Bush administration tell us how "robust" our economy was and how strong the "fundamentals" were. That was until a few days ago. Now, we are being told that if Congress does not act immediately and approve a $700 billion Wall Street bailout proposal  there will be an unprecedented economic meltdown in the United States and an unraveling of the global economy.

Shockingly, having looked the other way while Wall Street hucksters looted the economy, the Bush administration now wants American taxpayers (and our children) to pick up the tab.  I say "no way."  But I need your help to let officials in Washington know that Americans don't want to be saddled with the cost of this bailout – a bailout made necessary by the Bush administration's deregulatory fever and Wall Street's insatiable greed.

Become a Citizen Cosigner of my petition letter to Treasury Secretary Paulson, click here.


  • Read my proposal to protect the middle class and reregulated Wall Street, click here.
  • Watch my video appeal to the American public, click here.
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