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Saturday, September 27, 2008



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Hello Friends,

If we ever needed a new direction in this country, this is it. Half-measures or reform on the margins just aren't good enough anymore. We've got to roll up our sleeves, clear out the deadwood of the Republican era, and start rebuilding this country again.

Please contribute to expand our majority in the House.

The market crisis has shown that our economy is in need of fundamental reform. We need to get a large progressive majority in Washington so that we can bring about real changes in our economy - changes that set the rules of the road so that hard-working Americans can get ahead in our economy.

And it's not just the economy where our country is at a turning point. Our standing in the world, our global climate, our health care system, on issue after issue, years of Republican policies have left us with a desperate need for a change. Our country is at a turning point, and we absolutely have to make sure we take the right path.

We need to bring in a new wave of progressive leaders to give us the majority we need to take real action to wash away the horrible policies of the Bush-McCain Republican Party.

Please contribute to expand our majority in the House.

And we've got some great candidates to support.

  • Carol Shea-Porter: Carol won in perhaps the biggest surprise of the last cycle with the kind of grassroots progressive campaign that should make us all proud. But she's under attack from the Republicans this cycle, and she really needs our help.
  • Jill Morgenthaler: Jill's a 30-year veteran Army vet, a pioneer who was one of the first women at her rank, in Bosnia, Korea, and Iraq. She's running against Peter Roskam, one of the most extreme members of Congress and a reliable vote for the rightwing agenda.
  • Charlie Brown: Charlie's a Air Force veteran, a Lieutenant Colonel who has served our country bravely. Unfortunately, as we know happens too often, his patriotism is now under fire from his Republican opponent in the most disgusting ways. Please help Charlie win this race.
  • John Boccieri: John's a young Iraq War veteran running a great race in Ohio. He's part of the exciting new wave of young veterans who are set to join me in Congress and work to get national security, energy, and economic policies that work for our country.

These are all fantastic candidates, some of the best progressive politics have to offer, and they'll help us clean out the Republican mess that our policies have become.

And they're all under attack from a Republican machine that doesn't have any ideas to run on. So please help them.

Please contribute what you can to expand our majority in the House.

This is a critical election. We can't afford to wait any longer to bring real change to our country.

John Kerry



An individual may contribute a maximum amount of $2,300 per election (the primary and general are separate elections) to a federal candidate. Federal multi-candidate political action committees (PAC's) may contribute $5,000 per election. Contributions from non-U.S. citizens, citizens under the age of 18, corporations, labor organized treasury funds, foreign nationals, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Corporations and individuals are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution to a candidate.

Contributions of gifts to a candidate are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per election cycle.

This email was sent by: John Kerry for Senate
129 Portland St., Ste. 500 Boston, MA 02114 USA

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