Dear Phillip:
I want to take a moment to update you on the progress of my New Energy Reform Act (New Era), a comprehensive energy plan written by a bipartisan group of 20 Senators with the goal of moving the nation toward greater energy independence.
Today I welcomed businessman T. Boone Pickens to Capitol Hill to discuss strategies to break America's addiction to foreign oil.
Pickens, as you know, is a Texas oilman who recognizes that our nation's energy crisis demands a significant course correction. He proposes reducing America's dependence on oil by developing and utilizing clean-energy technologies like wind and solar. A main component of the Pickens plan creates a wind corridor stretching from Texas through North Dakota. Under the Pickens Plan, power generated by these wind farms would replace electricity produced from natural gas, which would then be used to fuel vehicles instead.
I agree with a number of provisions in Mr. Pickens' plan for energy independence - many of them are included in New Era - and I appreciate his efforts to focus the nation's attention on the seriousness of America's energy crisis.
As many of you know, New Era calls for a focused effort to transition 85 percent of the nation's motor vehicle fleets to fuels other than gasoline and diesel by 2028. To ease gas prices in the interim, our bipartisan proposal includes significant conservation provisions, efficiency standards, and responsible measures to increase domestic production of oil and gas.
I plan to introduce the New Era bill when the Senate reconvenes after the elections and I hope New Era will be the basis for a plan to increase domestic energy production and bring even greater economic security to our nation.
In the weeks ahead, I will continue crisscrossing our state to hear about the issues that matter most to you, including the role North Dakota can play in leading the nation to energy independence. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Kent Conrad
US Senator
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