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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bernie Buzz - September


Issue September 03, 2008 - http://sanders.senate.gov

Health Care

A community health center in Morrisville became the seventh in Vermont to join a nationwide network providing affordable basic care. Senators Sanders and Barack Obama have introduced legislation to strengthen the program. To read more, click here.

Nursing Shortage

Nurse training programs will get a much-needed booster shot. Congress passed the Higher Education Opportunity Act, which includes a Sanders' provision to pay colleges $3,000 for each new student enrolled in nursing programs.


The cable giant cut the number of analog channels without cutting prices maddening so many Vermonters that Sanders held a town meeting in Rutland. It was packed. To read about the meeting, click here. To read a report on cable price gouging, click here.

Take the Poll

What are some of the problems that you and your family have had in terms of our health care system? Click here and let us know.

Don't Blame Bernie

Congressional Quarterly studied roll call votes during the seven-and-a-half years of President Bush's two terms. The senator who least often voted the way the White House wanted (23 percent of the votes) was Bernard Sanders. To check it out, click here.

Oil Speculators

A federal commission found traders exploited oversight gaps to set up unregulated markets. Speculators drive up oil prices by as much as 50 percent, said Sanders, a cosponsor of legislation to re-regulate the energy futures market. To listen to the VPR report, click here.


Congress goes back into session next week, but during the August recess Bernie traveled the state from St. Albans to announce after-school grants to St. Johnsbury to help cut the ribbon on a new visitors' center. Click here for The Caledonian-Record story.

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