Obama says that lifting the prohibition against offshore drilling will "merely prolong the failed energy policies we have seen from Washington for 30 years." | Now that it costs over $4.00 per gallon for gasoline at the pump, Americans are starting to realize that we are, in actuality, finally starting to pay the price for 30 years of failed energy policies! For 30 years our own government has PROHIBITED us from drilling for much of our own oil offshore... our own government has PROHIBITED us from drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)... our own government has placed us in the position of having to import oil -- in many cases from countries hostile to the United States. And now -- as Barack Hussein Obama's longtime friend and pastor Jeremiah Wright would say: "America's chickens are coming home to roost." When President Bush courageously offered to lift the executive ban on offshore drilling last week, he was, in fact, REVERSING years of "failed energy policies." So how, in the name of all that is holy, can Barack Hussein Obama declare that REVERSING 30 years of failed liberal energy policies will "merely prolong the failed energy policies we have seen from Washington for 30 years." It's a little reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984. "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." Add to that; 'Reversing 30 years of failed energy policies will merely prolong the failed energy policies of 30 years.' To make matters worse, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have thus far succeeded in BLOCKING fair up-or-down votes in Congress on releasing legislative prohibitions against offshore drilling. And then they patted themselves on the back for a job well-done... adjourned Congress... and went on vacation! It should be clear by now that Pelosi and Reid will continue to BLOCK and OBSTRUCT, hoping that their man, Barack Hussein Obama, makes it to the White House so they can enact even MORE failed energy policies to drive the price of gasoline at the pump up even HIGHER and further ENSLAVE us to foreign oil! But you can stop that from happening! You can force them to allow a fair up-or-down vote on offshore drilling! You can thwart their plans right here and right now! Use this hyperlink or the button below to send 40 FAXES to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.
Tell them to stop the obstruction, stalls and evasions. Tell them there's absolutely NO EXCUSE NOT to lift the ban on offshore drilling. The American people REFUSE to pay high gas prices at the pump and the American people REFUSE to be slaves to foreign oil! No We Can't! On the campaign trail, Barack Hussein Obama is fond of chanting "Yes We Can" but when it comes to taking real steps to alleviate the financial suffering of average Americans he's really saying, 'No We Can't!' Here's what Senator Jon Kyl recently said: "'Dr. No,' or as we in the Senate are referring to it, as a mantra of 'No, we can't.' No, we can't drill offshore. No, we can't drill the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. No, we can't do oil shale. Of course, he said he's not a proponent of nuclear [energy], so no, we can't do that. He's even said, 'No, we shouldn't do a reward for the technology improvement for a battery that would allow people to use those kind of vehicles.' It's a very negative approach, which basically says there are no answers to the hurt that Americans are suffering right now. " The McCain campaign was quick to jump on the bandwagon. McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers said: "It's just very clear at this point that Senator Obama is Dr. No on energy security. Today it was 'no' on the $300 million for a new kind of battery. Before it was 'no' on further exploration or possibility of further exploration of our coasts. It was 'no' on gas tax relief that can help this summer families that are hurting. It's 'no' on expanded nuclear power investments that we can make." Why is Barack Hussein Obama "Dr. No" when it comes to a real energy policy that will free us from the grip of foreign oil and lower the prices at the pump for all Americans? And why are Reid and Pelosi frantically OBSTRUCTING and BLOCKING a fair up-or-down vote on offshore drilling? The answer to that question is simple: If they allowed a vote to actually occur, many Democrats would cave-in and actually vote for the measure! They don't want that to happen! But if you put on the pressure, IT WILL! Use this hyperlink or the button below to send 40 FAXES to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.
Tell them to stop the obstruction, stalls and evasions. Tell them there's absolutely NO EXCUSE NOT to lift the ban on offshore drilling. The American people REFUSE to pay high gas prices at the pump and the American people REFUSE to be slaves to foreign oil! It's About The Socialism, Stupid! Meanwhile, some Democrats in Congress have made it abundantly clear what they're really after. Recently, Congressman Maurice Hinchey called for the "Nationalization" of Oil Refineries: "Maybe they'd be willing to have these companies owned publicly... owned by the people of the United States." Congresswoman Maxine Waters recently flubbed a statement on the floor of the House which is being played over and over again on the Internet website YouTube: "This liberal (talking about herself) will be all about SOCIAL____ (stops and stammers) uhhhh... uhhh... will be about... (stops again) basically taking over and the government running all your companies." If Hinchey didn't make it clear, Waters did; she had to stop herself from actually saying the word, but it's clear that she's talking about SOCIALISM! Republican Congressman Adam Putnam also made it abundantly clear when he made reference to Hinchey and Water's comments: "Last month, one of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's fellow California Democrats said she would be 'all about socializing' and 'taking over' the oil companies. Just two weeks ago, another senior House Democrat said the 'government should own the refineries.'"
"... Socializing, nationalizing and driving small cars. It's enough to make you think they attended the Hugo Chavez School of Capitalism." And as for Barack Hussein Obama; his views appear to be consistent with the increasingly overt Socialism that seems to be infecting the Democratic Party! The Wall Street Journal recently wrote: "He supports punitive new windfall profits taxes on Big Oil, which won't do anything for supply; as well as at least $10 billion a year in new subsidies for 'alternative' energy technologies, which may take years or decades to pan out, if they ever do." Political analyst Dick Morris recently wrote: "The [Democratic] Party basically doesn't believe in carbon based energy and, therefore, opposes oil exploration. That's why Obama pushes the windfall profits tax on oil companies - a step that tells them 'you drill, you find oil, and we'll take away your profits.' But Americans have their priorities in order: more oil, more drilling AND alternative energy sources, flex-fuel cars, plug in vehicles and nuclear power." And let's not forget what else Obama recently said: "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.... That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Let's recap. Government ownership of private industry... Suffering, sacrifice and depravation for average people... Aggressive new taxes on profits which the government redistributes as it sees fit? That's SOCIALISM! And SOCIALISM is something the American people don't need! You can put a stop to it! Use this hyperlink or the button below to send 40 FAXES to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.
Tell them to stop the obstruction, stalls and evasions. Tell them there's absolutely NO EXCUSE NOT to lift the ban on offshore drilling. The American people REFUSE to pay high gas prices at the pump and the American people REFUSE to be slaves to foreign oil! Exposing the Real Obama Agenda! When it comes to Obama's real agenda on energy policy, perhaps, Ann Coulter said it best years ago: "When the free market does the exact thing liberals have been itching to do through taxation, they pretend to be appalled by high gas prices, hoping the public will forget that high gas prices are part of their agenda." Coulter again: "I would be more interested in what the Democrats had to say about high gas prices if these were not the same people who refused to let us drill for oil in Alaska, imposed massive restrictions on building new refineries, and who shut down the development of nuclear power in this country decades ago."
"But it's too much having to watch Democrats wail about the awful calamity to poor working families of having to pay high gas prices.
"Imposing punitive taxation on gasoline to force people to ride bicycles has been one of the left's main policy goals for years.
"For decades Democrats have been trying to raise the price of gasoline so that the working class will stop their infernal car-driving and start riding on buses where they belong, while liberals ride in Gulfstream jets." ExposeObama.com is the only nationwide organization at the forefront of the movement to Expose the REAL Barack Hussein Obama to the American people. We're not backing-down when it comes to taking the fight for the hearts and minds of the American people to Barack Hussein Obama! But we're not just going to Expose the Farce that is Obama's Energy Policy! We're going to do something to stop it! Use this hyperlink or the button below to send 40 FAXES to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.
Tell them to stop the obstruction, stalls and evasions. Tell them there.s absolutely NO EXCUSE NOT to lift the ban on offshore drilling. The American people REFUSE to pay high gas prices at the pump and the American people REFUSE to be slaves to foreign oil! Floyd Brown ExposeObama.com P.S. Even if you can not join us in this effort right now, you can still help us expose Barack Hussein Obama by sending this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends. Paid for by the National Campaign Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ExposeObama.com is a project of the National Campaign Fund.
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