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Friday, August 29, 2008

Democrats, our moment is now

The Democratic Party
Find an event near youWhat an amazing convention this has been already -- and how inspiring it is to see Democrats from all 50 states united as one party.

As Hillary Clinton pointed out in a rousing call to action last night, "We are on the same team, and none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines."

Barack and Joe are going to defeat John McCain and transform Washington.

But there's no way they can do it alone.

We all need to reach out to our friends, family, and neighbors and work to get every single vote we can -- even in places where Democrats haven't competed in a generation.

Our moment is now -- sign up to get involved.

Tomorrow night, people all over America will come together at Convention Watch Parties to see Barack accept the Democratic nomination.

These parties are a great opportunity to come together with fellow supporters, watch Barack's speech, and plan for the next 10 weeks. This Labor Day Weekend, we're going to kick off the biggest voter registration drive in the history of politics.

Sign up for a Convention Watch Party and find Weekend of Action events in your community:


Millions of Americans are tuning in to the convention this week and paying attention to this election for the first time.

As Democrats, we need to seize this opportunity to stand united and let them know what is at stake.

John McCain has voted with George Bush 95% of the time and pledged to continue the same disastrous policies that have damaged our economy, ruined our reputation in the world, and left millions of middle-class families without jobs and health care.

We need to register new voters, reach out to people who haven't voted in years, and work to get out the vote like never before.

Attend a Convention Watch Party and sign up for a Weekend of Action event near you.

Our party has never been stronger. Let's keep this momentum going through November.


Howard Dean


Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

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