Dear Fellow American:
Our nation's Constitutional values are under assault.
In this campaign season, politicians from both sides are making promises that go far beyond the scope of what our Founders intended. History has shown that big campaign promises inevitably lead to bigger government - eroding the freedoms our Constitution protects.
Many young people are vigorously supporting the liberal agenda of higher taxes, greater regulation, and more all-encompassing government. It's not just because of charismatic candidates.... it's also because of a lack of
understanding about what the Constitution actually says.
The mission of the Bill of Rights Institute is to educate young people about the words and ideas of America's Founders, the liberties guaranteed in our Founding documents, and how our Founding principles continue to affect and shape a free society. We aim to restore the Constitution to its proper place in our national debates.
The Bill of Rights Institute works directly with high school teachers and students across the country to strengthen the teaching of our Constitutional principles - like limited government, property rights, and personal liberty. Click here to view some of our educational materials.
We must work hard NOW to immunize students from the anti-liberty rhetoric they are exposed to from the media, liberal politicians, activist judges, and soon, their college professors.
Already, the Institute is reaching over one-third of our nation's high schools. Your donation of $50, $100 or even $1,000 will help us reach more.
I urge you to consider supporting us now, as we fight the ignorance that is eroding our Constitution and the freedoms that it protects. Your contribution can help us reach every student in the country with this essential knowledge. Please click here to support the Bill of Rights Institute, and ensure that the wisdom of our Founders and our Constitution will reach more young Americans today.
Together, we can protect the Constitution and our precious freedoms.
Victoria Hughes
Bill of Rights Institute
P.S. Your support is appreciated and urgently needed. To learn more about the Bill of Rights Institute, visit our website here