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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Message from Al Gore


Dear Friend,

I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to see this crucial message from former Vice President Al Gore. I was just with him last weekend in Texas and we both agree how critical November's elections are to our country's future.

There are just 3 days left before we hit the DCCC's 100 Day deadline and we need your help to hit our grassroots goal. As a special incentive, if you contribute today to our 100 Days of Action campaign - you will be automatically entered to win a chance to be my guest at the Democratic Convention in Denver, August 25-28th.

Enter today to win and help Democrats win big in November. As Al Gore said, "Remember: There's a new world waiting at the other side of these elections."

Best regards,
Nancy Pelosi
Speaker Nancy Pelosi

From: Al Gore
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 11:34 AM
To: speakerpelosi@dccc.org
Subject: Unbelievable
Al Gore

Dear Nancy,
Contribute now and it will be tripled by House Democrats!

In a little over 100 days, the coming elections will reshape the future of our democracy but only if we act now. Each of us has a personal responsibility to help advance Democratic campaigns that do justice to our exceptional candidates and to the unbelievably high stakes in this election.

If our candidates are successful, we will have leaders who will no longer trade in fear and failure...who will fight for real action on the climate crisis and achieve progress on health care and jobs.

If we want to deliver on the promise of these elections, we have to not only put Barack Obama in the White House but we must also win congressional victories that will strengthen our hand as we unite to drive change forward.

The single best action for you to take today is to give to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's (DCCC) 100 Days of Action campaign. If you make a gift of $35, $50, or more today, it will be matched 2-to-1 by House Democrats.

Our critical FEC deadline for July is just days away - Support the 100 Days of Action campaign now at www.dccc.org/speakergore1

The DCCC is working hand-in-hand with candidates and campaign managers in dozens of tough, hard-fought House races in every corner of the nation. The stakes are high.
  • Nearly 30 GOP House members have decided to retire rather than try to defend their record of support for failures and incompetence of the Bush administration. Democrats running to convert those open seats are counting on you and the DCCC to pull them through to victory.
  • In dozens of other districts, Democrats who won narrow victories in 2006 have been targeted for defeat by the GOP political machine. Those candidates need you and the DCCC to make sure they aren't overwhelmed by the "do anything, say anything" tactics of the Republican operatives.
  • Republican groups and their "independent" supporters are planning to go after our candidates with over $300 million dollars in attack ads. But, with your help, the DCCC won't let a single Democratic candidate stand alone against unscrupulous attacks.
This critical FEC deadline is just days away - Support our 100 Days of Action campaign now at www.dccc.org/speakergore1

Don't let anyone weaken your resolve. Don't allow anybody to break your spirit.

Remember: There's a new world waiting at the other side of these elections.

All the best,

Al Gore

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Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 - www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
