Enjoy a completely virtual experience and 2 days of turn-key content. Create relationships that increase loyalty & enhance your brand messaging by attending the Keynote Panel Discussion on July 10th: Developing Strategic Partnerships To Enhance The Overall Customer Experience Effectively monetize social networks, gather the latest tools & trends in social media including blogs, podcasts and video, by attending the Geekcast Live Panel Speakers Include: -
Julie Space, VP Marketing & Customer Service, BabyAge -
Linda Woods, President, PartnerCentric, Inc. -
Brad Waller, VP Business & Affiliate Development, EPage, Inc. -
Brook Schaaf, Principal, Schaaf Consulting -
Rebecca Madigan, Consultant, Affiliate Classroom, Inc. and Performance Marketing Alliance -
Jeremy Dalnes, VP E-Business, Panasonic -
Chris Park, Affiliate Manager, Blair -
Jim Kukral, Owner, Scratchback.com -
Erick Barney, VP of Marketing, Motorcycle USA -
Jeff Ferguson, Director Online Marketing, Napster -
Deborah Wandner Shearer, Vice President - Marketing & Merchandising, Organize.com -
Albert DiPadova, VP and Co-Founder, Due Maternity -
Frank Malsbenden, VP/GM, Vision Retailing -
Declan Dunn, CEO, Dunn Direct Media -
Melissa Bledsoe Minihan, Sr. Manager Business Operations, Home Depot Direct -
Veronica Katz-Smith, SVP Strategic Partnerships and Business Development, David's Bridal -
Dan Nagler, Business Development Manager, Shutterfly -
Deborah Kahl, Gift Registry Director, JC Penney -
Mayer Gniwisch, President, Ice.com -
Henry Chamberlain, CEO, OurWeddingDay.com -
Sean McDonald, Director Global Community, Dell -
Gary Kibel, Partner, Davis & Gilbert LLP -
Nathan Decker, Sr. Director E-Commerce, Evogear -
Dan Malone, Sr. Manager Site Analytics and Business Intelligence, Vistaprint