Last week's clash between Dr. James Dobson and Barack Obama is but the latest skirmish in a war that dates back to the time of Christ. At issue: What is Christian truth? ... Obama, citing the Book of Leviticus, which declares homosexuality an abomination, noted that Leviticus also says the eating of shellfish is an abomination and condones slavery.... "Folks haven't been reading their Bibles," said Obama. "Free Money" From the Government? Starting tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., you can use a government-issued "Authorization Code" to add $4,570 per month to your bank account. Sound too good to be true? Find out how you could start getting your "free money" payouts the good old American way, thanks to Uncle Sam. Learn more here. |
"Even ... if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States ... whose Christianity would we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's or with Al Sharpton's?" Dr. Dobson is having none of it. Tuesday, he accused Obama of "deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology." Answer back the liberals in your life! Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies, Boston talk-radio host Gregg Jackson provides tightly argued, fully documented responses to no fewer than 241 of the most common claims made by the Left on all the most important political, social, and cultural issues of our day. Organized alphabetically, Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies covers issues ranging from abortion and the Clinton scandals ... to economics and gun control ... to nuclear energy and Social Security ... to taxes and the war on terror. The clear-cut claim/response format gives you ready answers to all the most common claims made by liberals, so you'll never feel unprepared to go into ideological battle. Click here to learn more |