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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gas Prices - What Do You think?


Issue May 14, 2008 - http://sanders.senate.gov

The Senate on Tuesday passed a measure cosponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders to suspend oil deposits into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The measure would increase supplies and lower prices for gasoline and other fuels. Sanders said the vote to suspend the shipments until the end of the year was a first step by Congress to confront the gasoline price crisis. "The Senate voted to stop the Bush administration from continuing the absurd policy of adding 70,000 barrels of oil a day to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which already is 97 percent full," he said. "This is a small but important step forward in providing some relief to consumers who are paying record prices at the gas pump."  

Sanders, a member of both the Senate energy and environment committees, added that a comprehensive approach is needed to resolve the current energy crisis. "Long term, we must aggressively transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and foreign oil into energy efficiency and sustainable energy.  Short term, we must take some very immediate steps to protect the American people against the soaring prices of gas and oil."

Bernie wants to hear your story.  Please take a moment and click here to watch a message from the senator about gas prices and you.

