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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Don't let this man steal your vote


Rock the Vote

Dear Friends,

Rock the Vote has a long history of fighting for the rights of young people in the voting process.  Our friends at Credo Mobile are organizing a push to make sure that the new FEC appointee respects young voters. You've already taken the first step by helping us make young voters an undeniable voice in this year's elections. Let's take it to the next level, by working together to protect our votes. Read on to find out what you can do.

Thanks for rocking the vote!

Heather Smith, Executive Director

Rock the Vote

------ Forwarded Message
From: CREDO Mobile Action
Date: Thurs, 15 May 2008
To: Heather Smith - Rock the Vote
Subject: Don't let this man steal your vote

CREDO Action: Tools for Change from Working Assets

Stop this man from suppressing our votes

Stop him before it's too late.
  Voter suppression is bad for democracy. Tell your Senator to oppose Hans von Spakosvsky.

This man doesn't want you to vote. His name is Hans von Spakovsky. With your help, we can stop him.

Let's face it -- lots of politicians don't want young people to vote. They won't ever say it. But young voters want new ideas. And that threatens entrenched politicians.

Tell your Senators: Don't allow von Spakovsky to suppress our votes!

President Bush has nominated von Spakovsky -- a champion of voter suppression -- to serve on the Federal Election Commission.

Because of his work promoting photo ID requirements for voters, hundreds of thousands of students, low income people and seniors may be turned away from the polls in November.

And that's not all. At the Department of Justice he tried to force states to keep voters off the rolls for typographical errors or other mistakes made by election officials.

Tell your Senators: We should be making it easier, not harder for citizens to vote!

The administration of justice should always be nonpartisan -- especially when it concerns the most fundamental right of our democracy, the right to vote.

Tell your Senators to reject Hans von Spakovsky and make the President nominate a more suitable and ethical candidate for the position of Federal Elections Commissioner.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton, Activism Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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