Dear Friend,
"I'm happy to have any help I can get on the battlefield" -NRCC Chairman Tom Cole on Freedom's Watch |
We didn't know the help our Republican counterparts at the NRCC would be so happy to get would be the illegal kind.
One of the main Right-wing shadowy front groups, Freedom's Watch, has been going on the attack with its bag of Karl-Rove style tactics. It was only a matter of time before one of their smear campaigns broke the law -- and that time has come.
The DCCC today filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Freedom's Watch and our Republican counterparts, the NRCC, for illegally coordinating their political attacks against Democrats.
Freedom's Watch, the $250 million group headed by former Bush mouthpiece Ari Fleischer, launched a smear campaign against Democratic House candidate Don Cazayoux in Louisiana with ads that are stunningly similar to our Republican counterparts, the NRCC. The message, images, and citations in both the Freedom's Watch ad and NRCC ad are nearly identical.
A little digging explained the similarities -- the NRCC actually wrote the Freedom's Watch ad! -- which is a clear violation of federal election law.
We need the DCCC Rapid Response Team on this fight to hold these Swift Boaters accountable.
Demand an Investigation of Freedom's Watch
This is only the beginning. Freedom's Watch is being run by a NRCC veteran Carl Forti, who's responsible for attacks that led Republican Members and Republican candidates to call the NRCC "a rogue attack shop," responsible for "smears," "over-the-top accusations," "demonstrably false" and "misleading" attacks and "political mudslinging."
Republicans know that a wave of momentum is building and they will do anything to stop it, even if that means breaking the law. That is why it is so important that you join us in demanding an FEC investigation.
Demand an Investigation of Freedom's Watch
We know this election is going to be between Democratic energy and Republican despair. Don't let Freedom's Watch's law breaking actions impede our drive for change and across the board victories in November.

Brian Wolff
DCCC Executive Director
P.S. Now, we know for sure that the Republicans will stop at nothing not even breaking the law to gain their power back. We have to keep the pressure on -- will you help us today with a contribution of $25, $50 or more?
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