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Saturday, March 8, 2008

21,552,257 new college scholarships or another year in Iraq?


Rock the Vote

We keep hearing from the millions of people who are part of Rock the Vote that they want to do more than just register to vote -- they want to take action on issues. Since today marks the 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq, which consistently rates as one of your top issues, I want to pass on this message from our friends at Credo Mobile. We'll be bringing you action alerts on a variety of issues and viewpoints this election cycle, here's an alert for those of you who are in favor of bringing the troops home.

Check it out:

------ Forwarded Message
From: CREDO Mobile Action
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008
To: Heather Smith - Rock the Vote
Subject: 21,552,257 new college scholarships or another year in Iraq?

CREDO Action: Tools for Change from Working Assets

21,552,257 college scholarships or another year in Iraq?

Five years is enough.
Projected Iraq spending for next year alone would provide scholarships for 21,552,257 Americans.

Had enough? Tell Congress to fund college education, not an endless occupation.

If we took the money we plan to spend in Iraq next year and put it toward abolishing student debt, we could afford to pay for 21,552,257 college scholarships1.

Unless we change course, that's not going to happen. On the fifth anniversary of the invasion, over 158,000 American troops are still occupying Iraq. Almost 4,000 American lives2 have been lost in this conflict. Over three trillion dollars3 have been wasted. And for what?

Send a message to Congress: It's time to bring the troops home and start to fund priorities at home, like abolishing student debt.

Congress has seemed reluctant to challenge the President on Iraq, but the overwhelming majority of the American people want to see the occupation of Iraq ended and our money spent on urgent needs at home. Let's tell them to bring the troops home now.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton, Activism Manager
CREDO Mobile

1 National Priorities Project: Projected Iraq War Spending for FY 2009.
2 Associated Press: US Nears 4,000 Dead in Iraq. March 17, 2008.
3 Vanity Fair: The $3 Trillion War. April, 2008.

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