Dear Phillip,
Few days in our incredible journey together will be as important as tomorrow, when millions of Americans make their voices heard. We'll be one giant step closer to making history together. I can't thank you enough for all that you have done to bring our campaign to this amazing moment.
Tonight, I'm taking my case directly to the voters one last time before the biggest day of the primary race. Of all the conversations I've had during this campaign, the one I am having tonight is one of the most important. I hope that you'll join me.
The Voices Across America national town hall starts tonight at 9 p.m. EST. I'll be taking questions from the audience in New York, from those you've submitted via my website, and from 21 other locations in February 5 states. You can tune in on Hallmark Channel or watch it streamed live over my website at
I'm going to listen to people's questions and tell them how much we can achieve if we work together to restore our economy, end the war in Iraq, and reclaim the promise of the American dream. And I'm going to ask them to join you and me on the journey we've begun -- a journey that will continue until we achieve critical goals like universal health care for all Americans.
I hope you will watch our town hall this evening. And, I hope you'll reach out to friends and family in states that are voting tomorrow so I can have one last chance to make sure they hear our message of change, opportunity, and leadership before they cast one of the most crucial votes of their lives.
You've done so much for me over the past year. I know this journey would not have been possible without you by my side, and I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am. Thank you so much for all you do.

Hillary Rodham Clinton