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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Weekly Update - Exposing the GOP's Minority Vote-Squelching System - Democrats for America's Future - 01.09.08

Democrats for America's Future

Here are the brand new highlights from the public area of the Democrats for America's Future ...

Republican Outrage of the Week

EXPOSING THE GOP'S MINORITY VOTE-SQUELCHING SYSTEM - It's official: A new study from Brown University makes it unmistakably clear why Republicans in state after state seek to raise the bar for voters at the polls. The reason is just what you would expect from the GOP - it holds down African-American and Hispanic voting totals ...

Plain Talk for Democrats

HILLARY: TIME FOR AN AMERICAN COMEBACK - New Hampshire primary winner Senator Hillary Clinton says America needs the same thing she got in the Granite State: a comeback ...

Key Issues to Watch

AMERICA'S LIVING STANDARDS SLIP BEHIND BRITAIN - In the 19th Century, the Industrial Revolution propelled U.S. living standards beyond those of United Kingdom. Today, the U.K. is passing the U.S. by again ...

Who do you think can give a Democratic presidential candidate the biggest challenge in November 2008? Take our poll ...

SO MUCH FOR LOWER MEDICARE COSTS! - You remember the GOP/Bush White House "plan" to ease the bill for Medicare?

DEMOCRATIC TURNOUT SETS RECORDS - No wonder Republicans are quaking in their boots about the 2008 elections ...


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