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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Staff Positions in DC Office of Disability Rights

Dear colleagues: Please share the information below, regarding staff openings in the new DC Office of Disability Rights, with anyone who may be interested. Many thanks and regards, T.J. Sutcliffe, The Arc of DC

Just thought I'd let you know, so you can share with your networks – the DC Office of Disability Rights is staffing up.  4 positions for ADA Compliance Specialists were just posted on the DCHR website.  They are # 9039 (ADA Specialist in Health Care/Olmstead), 9201 (ADA Specialist in Human Services/Education), 9202 (ADA Specialist in Employment), and 9203 (ADA Specialist in Public Works/Safety/Transportation).    They can be viewed by going to the DCHR website – http://dchr.dc.gov – and clicking on "DC Career Opportunities" on the left side of the screen.


Please let people know about these positions.




Eve Hill


Office of Disability Rights

441 4th Street, NW

Suite 729 North

Washington, DC, 20001

Office: (202) 724-7525

TTY: (202) 727-3363

Fax: (202) 727-9484

E-mail: eve.hill@dc.gov



