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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
People of the Web - Can a Soccer Ball Change the World?
People of the Web - Can a Soccer Ball Change the World?: "Can a Soccer Ball Change the World?"
People of the WebCan a Soccer Ball Change the World?
New Year’s resolutions for 2008: Save a life with a net, inspire laughter with a ball, fund a business for the poor. And do it all online.
Every New Year we promise ourselves we will read more, eat less, cut down on the booze, beef up the exercise, listen better, talk softer. Usually the resolutions collapse faster than an O.J. alibi or the U.S. real estate market.
Perhaps it's time to resolve to do something for someone else. Fortunately, some innovative, efficient non-profit organizations make it possible to help others with a click of a mouse. The good you do resonates far beyond your computer screen.
The following are three groups that enable you to help put an end to malaria deaths, give needy children a chance to play and needy adults the opportunity to work. And while they are about helping others, your participation will probably let you feel a little better about yourself in 2008 as well.
Little Feet - www.littlefeet.com
In 2006, American Airlines pilot Trevor Slavick and Denver Radio news anchor Steffan Tubbs discovered what they thought was a simple but powerful truth: a simple soccer ball could unify the world.
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