Dear Phillip,
The truth is it took years to drive our country so far off track and it will take a lot of hard work and determination to get it back on track.
And while it's tempting to lay all of the blame at the feet of George W. Bush, the fact is that he couldn't have done it without the support of the Republican Congress that did so much damage while they were in the majority. To make lasting change, we need both a Democrat in the White House as well as a strong Democratic Majority in Congress.
2008 is going to be a campaign season like no other. Democrats' FEC end-of-year fundraising reports will be carefully scrutinized to frame the 2008 landscape. That includes reporters and pundits trying to gauge Democratic strength and momentum as 2008 begins. If you contribute to the
Democratic Year-End Challenge, House Democrats will match and double your gift towards our drive for a New Direction.
Contribute $25, $50, or more today and House Democrats will match and DOUBLE your gift. We must pull together as committed Democrats to overcome President Bush and his Republican cronies in Congress when they try to block key parts of the Democratic agenda for change.
That's where the DCCC comes in. As the official campaign arm of House Democrats, the DCCC is the only political committee dedicated to strengthening our Democratic Majority. With your help, the DCCC will provide vital assistance to Freshman Democrats being targeted by Karl Rove and his Republican hatchet men. They also give essential early support to Democratic challengers taking on Republican incumbents. And by mobilizing voters in key districts, the DCCC will help provide the margin of victory for our 2008 presidential nominee.
We are less than one year out -- we must show we have the resources and strength now. Contribute $25, $50, or more today and House Democrats will match and DOUBLE your gift. This perverse political culture -- dangerously hostile to reason and knowledge -- is what enabled George W. Bush to use fear and lies to mislead our nation into the Iraq war, ignore the threat of global warming, block promising stem cell research and ignore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
For the sake of our nation and the world, you and I can't let the Republicans succeed.
Contribute $25, $50, or more today and House Democrats will match and DOUBLE your gift. Thank you.
Al Gore
P.S. Right now potential Democratic candidates are making their decisions on whether or not to run in 2008.
By making a secure online contribution as part of our Year-End Challenge, you will let these men and women know that they have the backing to run and win in the most competitive districts around the country -- to increase our House Majority and move America in a New Direction.
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