Dear Phillip,
I'll be watching when Hillary steps onto the debate stage tonight, and I hope you will too. Because if you are, I know you'll see what I see.
You'll see the most experienced and best prepared candidate for president in my lifetime.
You'll see a candidate who is ready to lead from the day she steps into the Oval Office. You'll see someone who will make us proud every day she's in the White House, because she'll fight for what's right every single day.
But all her experience, strength, and great ideas for the future won't matter if she isn't our nominee. Your help is key to making sure she secures the nomination and takes on the GOP in 2008.
When she stands on that stage tonight, she won't be alone. She'll know that you're standing right there with her, thanks to the incredible outpouring of support you've shown over the past few days.
You've almost hit the goal: $1 million by the start of tonight's debate.
Will you be the one to put Hillary over the top by making a contribution? Click here to help us reach our $1 million goal by 8 p.m. EST tonight. I've been where Hillary is now, in the final weeks before the first primaries and caucuses start. And I can tell you from my personal experience that the one thing that matters most down the homestretch is knowing that there is a depth of support that matches the effort you make on the campaign trail.
You have shown that level of commitment to Hillary's campaign before, and now -- as we enter the final phase of the primary campaign -- Hillary needs your help again.
If you want real change, if you want to end the war in Iraq, restore America's reputation in the world, provide affordable health care for all, create millions of good jobs in clean energy, and build a strong and enduring middle class, then Hillary's the candidate for you. But now is the time to reach down, dig deep, and make a difference for her campaign.
Will you help put us over our $1 million goal and send Hillary to the debate knowing the depth of your support?
Click here to help us reach our $1 million goal by 8 p.m. EST tonight. I'm really looking forward to watching her tonight -- I always am. And you should make sure to catch this one too. Because you'll know, watching her on that stage, that you're there with her, making a difference.
I know she appreciates everything that you do for her campaign. So from her, and from me, thank you.

Bill Clinton
P.S. We're almost at that $1 million goal -- let's send Hillary to that debate knowing about your remarkable support. And don't forget that if you make a contribution today, you might be joining Hillary for lunch during a day out on the campaign trail.