Dear Friends,
In just 36 hours, we'll be one year out from Election Day. If you don't think Republican campaign operatives will use the next 12 months scratching and clawing, doing anything they can scheme up to hold on to power, you haven't been paying attention.
They're ruthless and, if you don't know that by now, Phillip, you're crazy. Republicans running scared -- willing to do virtually anything to win -- used to be a good Democrat's worst nightmare. But, as we showed when Democrats grabbed control of Congress in 2006, we've learned how to fight back.
And, as we hit the "year to go" mark, I'm writing to urge you to
rush a donation to one of the toughest, smartest political operations in town before their one-year fundraising deadline tomorrow, Tuesday, November 6th. The Republicans, media and pundits use these fundraising totals as a measure of our chances for success -- let's show them what we're made of.
Beat the "one year to Election Day" deadline. House Dems will MATCH your gift and DOUBLE it before midnight Tuesday. The DCCC has already had great success recruiting strong Democratic candidates -- even with Republicans retiring so fast that it's hard to keep up. But now, every one of those candidates needs you and the DCCC to help them drive right through to Election Day, 2008. Look, we can't let this be some kind of "squeeze through to victory" election. We've got to take it to these guys with everything we've got.
It doesn't matter to them. They'll try to win by tearing the country apart on immigration or by scaring the country to death on terrorism. But, we won't let our candidates fall to bigotry, fear-mongering or anything else in their "got no scruples" bag of tricks.
They've failed our country miserably at every turn -- from Iraq to Katrina, from health care to global warming. They've said "yes" to corruption and "no" to children's health. And we're going to break their grip on power and send them packing.
Beat the "one year to Election Day" deadline. House Dems will MATCH your gift and DOUBLE it before midnight Tuesday. You know, I'm as hopeful as the next guy about all we Democrats can do if we make this a "big change" election. We'll finally get out of Iraq and get on with stopping global warming. We'll deliver health care to millions of children and make it possible for middle class folks to live the American dream again.
We've only got one year to do it. The clock's ticking. Let's go to work.

James Carville
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