Dear Friend,
Today, Americans observe Veterans Day and celebrate by honoring the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to safeguard our freedom.
America's veterans are the very face of courage. They've defended us through world wars and faced constant dangers so the rest of us wouldn't have to.
We owe them a bigger debt of gratitude than we can ever truly express -- not just on Veterans Day, but every day of the year. In their honor today, I want to introduce a few of our "Fighting Dems" -- some of the newest Members of our Democratic Majority:
Patrick Murphy (PA-08)Congressman Patrick Murphy is a decorated Iraq war veteran who served two tours in the U.S. Army after the September 11th attacks. Since joining our Democratic Majority, Congressman Murphy has been a leader in our fight to end the President's failed war in Iraq and redeploy our troops.
Joe Sestak (PA-07)Congressman Joe Sestak served 31 years in the U.S. Navy and rose to the rank of three-star admiral. Congressman Sestak has brought the same level of dedication to Congress as in his long career in the Navy.
Chris Carney (PA-10)Congressman Chris Carney served as a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Naval Reserve, serving multiple tours overseas. Congressman Carney is fighting to keep our homeland safe through his service on the Homeland Security Committee.
Tim Walz (MN-01)Congressman Tim Walz served 24 years in the Army National Guard, rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major. Tim Walz is the highest ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in United States Congress. This year, Congressman Walz has been a driving force behind our historic progress for America's veterans through his work on the Veterans Affairs Committee in the House.
[READ MORE] Thanks to Speaker Pelosi's leadership, this Veterans Day we can also celebrate real progress for helping America's veterans. Our Democratic Majority passed the largest single investment in veterans' health care in the 77-year history of the Veterans Administration.
House Democrats will keep fighting to ensure that every one of our veterans gets the care they need, the respect they deserve, and can look forward to a future worthy of their sacrifice.

Brian Wolff
Executive Director
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