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Friday, October 19, 2007

This is why elections matter...

The Democratic Party
Elections matter

Dear Friends,

If there's ever been a day that shows how important victory in 2008 has become, it is today.

Despite a broad, bi-partisan effort in Congress, George Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program remains in place. This president and his loyalists in Congress have done the unthinkable, cutting millions of American kids from the basic health care services they need.

You stood up and fought, the Democrats in Congress stood up and fought, but we just didn't have the numbers to overturn the veto.

You may be angry right now -- I sure am -- but that won't win any elections. While the stakes are so clear, think about how important our victory in 2008 is to you, and help us get there. Every one of the Republican candidates for president supports this veto. We'll make them feel the pain for this at the ballot box, but we have work to do.

Here are some numbers to consider:

  • 2,000 people giving $50 helps pay for a two-day training retreat for our organizers
  • 1,000 giving $30 funds an organizer for a year
  • 500 donations of just $10 funds a phone banking session that targets voters in a key district

Dollar by dollar, we're building a machine to turn out the vote and end Republican control of the White House in 2008.

Contribute today:


Forget about "swing voters" -- even die hard Republicans are running away from their party. Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that over a third of President Bush's largest fundraisers have yet to support a candidate in their party's primary. As one Bush Pioneer put it, "I'm just not happy with the direction of our party. I think we have a huge credibility problem, which I have not seen any of the candidates show the ability to rise above."

Everyday Republicans are sick of their party making choices they wouldn't make -- can you blame them?

While the Republican Party is coming apart, our Party is investing in infrastructure and grassroots development. We're not going to miss a single chance to cement a strong position and reach areas that Democrats ignored for decades.

Our innovative voter contact system will give Democratic organizers on the ground the tools they need to target key areas and get out the vote on Election Day. And our field organizers are meeting with election officials in every state to prevent any attempted voter disenfranchisement before it happens.

Come Election Day, we cannot leave anything out there on the field. Step up and do your part by donating $15, $25, $50 or more:


George Bush may be gloating today, but we're not falling for it. The Republican Party is alienating more and more Americans who can't stand its narrowing, cruel agenda.

We're building a party today, and I need your help. The Democratic Party is reaching more and more Americans who are ready to fight -- and vote -- for something better.

Please do what you can to help.

Thank you.

Tom McMahon
Executive Director

P.S. Below is a copy of the message sent by Governor Dean yesterday:

From: Howard Dean
Subject: Reality check

Get ready

I've been traveling quite a bit lately, and I can tell you one thing: Democrats across the country feel good about our Party -- and even better about our chances for victory in 2008.

Not so fast.

I know all too well how quickly things can change in politics.

You might feel optimistic right now, but consider this a wake up call. The primaries aren't even over and anyone could win at this point. On top of that, we have no idea what Republican candidates and operatives have in store for our nominee.

The only sure bet you've got this election cycle -- and for years beyond -- is that the Democratic Party will be there on Election Day, no matter who the nominee is.

No matter what happens in our primary, or what the Republicans throw at us, we need to be ready. From cutting-edge voter databases to a robust field infrastructure, we'll provide resources our presidential campaign will need to fight in every state.

We can't wait until after the primary to prepare for the election. Help us get ready by making a contribution now:


Here's a sample of what we've been working on lately:

Ground-breaking technology: We're testing a brand new voter contact system that will give state parties, campaigns and individual activists the critical tools they need to get out the vote on Election Day. We're in a position to innovate because of the years of advance work we've done.

Organizers in the field: We're making great progress on the voter protection project. Our 50-State Strategy organizers are meeting every elections official in the country to know about any "voting irregularities" now -- not next November. More than that, these organizers have been building the relationships with volunteers, activists and other allies that will pay off in races up and down the ballot in 2008.

Holding the Republicans accountable: Last week, Democrats like you sent almost 200,000 letters to Congress in support of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Bit by bit, we are changing the culture in Washington that says it's OK to spend $100 billion each year in Iraq, but balks at spending $7 billion to give American kids health care.

With your support, we'll continue to empower organizers and campaigns with the best technology out there. We will make sure every vote counts. We will continue to change the culture of Washington.

Working together, Democrats will take back the White House in 2008.

Help make it happen:


Let's not lose sight of the big picture here. We aren't trying to win for the sake of winning. There are real world consequences when campaigns come up short.

The past few weeks have shown us just how much of a roadblock the wrong president can be. Even with strong, bipartisan support in Congress, the White House shot down funding for children's health care. And every Republican candidate for President would do the same thing.

This White House continues to avoid an honest assessment of Iraq and a plan to bring our troops home. The top Republican candidates wouldn't be any different -- just look at their records.

When the dust settles on the 2008 election, we should all ask ourselves a simple question: "Did I do everything possible to support Democrats and change the direction of our country?"

What's your answer going to be?

Feel good about our chances -- but we can't be complacent. Every day is one step closer to Election Day, and one more opportunity to strengthen our Party. Contribute today:


Let's get to work.


Howard Dean

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003
