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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First Election of 2008 is Now



Niki Tsongas will be a wonderful addition to Congress. She's currently standing up to the usual Republican onslaught of fear and smear to fight for a new course for this nation.

Hello Friends,

Thirty five years ago this month, I was running for Congress in Lowell, Massachusetts. I was fighting against a war gone horribly wrong and politicians who refused to end it.

The pundits said I couldn't lose. They didn't count on the dirty tricks and smear campaigns of the Republican Party. They didn't count on the fact that the Nixon White House was hell bent on defeating me.

I lost that race - but it taught me a lesson: you can't spare anything fighting back every step of the way against the Republican attack machine.

Today, in the old congressional district where I received my political comeuppance, my friend Niki Tsongas is running for Congress standing up to George W. Bush's Iraq policy, fighting to make health care affordable, and grow good jobs instead of exporting them.

That's why I'm making a very personal plea for you to join me in helping to give Niki the resources to fight back against the GOP fear campaign in these closing days.

Click here to donate

This is the first race of this Congress, and a desperate Bush White House wants it to be a sign that Karl Rove-style politics of distortion and distraction can still prevail. Send the national Republican Party a very strong message: following the Bush policy will lead to a catastrophic defeat for your party.

But Niki is standing up to them and standing up for an end to the disastrous Bush policy in Iraq. And coming from a strong military family, Niki will do what Washington has failed to do: provide for our veterans and our men and women in uniform while they're serving and when they come home. She will make our Democratic Congress clearer, stronger, and more determined about ending the Bush Doctrine in Iraq and restore sanity to American foreign policy.

Donate online today to reverse Bush's failed policy in Iraq.

Please take a personal stand in Niki's campaign. The stakes are too high to ignore this election. The Republicans want to sneak in under the radar screen and smear their way to a surprise victory. I remember 1972 - that's why I'm digging in to make sure that doesn't happen.


John Kerry

John Kerry For U.S. Senate
129 Portland Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114-2014


Paid For By John Kerry For U.S. Senate

Contributions are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

