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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Are you on this map?

The Democratic Party

Dear Friends,

Democrats are kicking off the one-year mark until the 2008 election with hundreds of grassroots organizing events across the country on November 3rd.

We're doing it to build a nationwide grassroots organization to empower millions of volunteers to reach out to their neighbors about next year's elections.

This 2008 grassroots field program is the next step of Governor Dean's 50 State Strategy. The campaign has already started.

Just take a look at this map:


There are hundreds of events like these all over the country on November 3rd to help brief and organize people just like you.

Is there a November 3rd event in your area? Click here to find one and RSVP:


Ruth in Sorrento, Maine is hosting a party "to get together with... friends and neighbors, share some good food and conversation and hear about some of the plans for next year."

Rob and Caroline in Anchorage, Alaska are hosting a party to "do something to clean up the mess that corruption, bribery & extortion have left the citizens of Alaska to clean up."

Matt in Columbus, Ohio is hosting a party because "we need your help to Get Out The Vote for Columbus candidates and show that we are preparing to win in 2008." He also promises that it's well before an Ohio State football game, saying "1:30 on Saturday is plenty late and the game isn't until 8:00."

And Sandra in Wichita, Kansas is hosting a party "for a day of organizing, a message from Howard Dean, some Democratic camaraderie, and some good ol' door knocking."

Everyone who attends a "One Year Out" event will hear Governor Dean's plans to turn the 50 State Strategy into a winning presidential strategy - and kick it off by knocking on doors and introducing folks to the new face of the Democratic Party: you.

Find an event in your hometown - or plan your own:


Electing a government you can be proud of one year from now depends entirely on what you're willing to do now. Please sign up for - or host - an event on November 3rd.


Tom McMahon

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003
